— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
Olds Engineering, a traditional workshop and foundry, sits in Maryborough, Australia. It’s not the sort of place you’d expect to find a new industrial invention in the 21st century: and yet the Olds Elevator, patented by Peter Olds, is just that — via Youtube
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
Matter Design and CEMEX have figured out a way to move 25 tons of stone by hand — via Vimeo
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
- Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides)
- Stadium Australia
- Rhode Island Red cockerel
- Blue eyed Shetland pony
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
There’s a case for making playgrounds riskier — via Youtube
New York City’s famed Chrysler Building is up for sale for the first time in over 20 years. According to the Wall Street Journal, the art deco office tower’s current owners officially placed it on the market, though the building’s value has yet to be released. Designed by William Van Alen, the building was bought by Tishman Speyer in 1997. As an iconic part of the New York skyline, the building is admired for its distinctive ornamentation based on Chrysler automobiles — via ArchDaily
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf
Because of the chaotic way fingerprints develop and the multiplying effect of compound probability, it’s basically impossible for any two fingers to have matching prints — via Youtube
— originally uploaded by Red Wolf