Primus Telecom has launched a new DSL broadband Internet service claimed to deliver high speed services at up to 6Mbps. The new high-speed Internet service is available to Primus customers in major cities around Australia who are in access range of upgraded facilities installed by Primus Telecom
Starbucks will begin using paper coffee cups made partially from recycled material by the end of 2005. The move comes as the Seattle-based company is in the midst of an aggressive plan to ensure coffee sold in its stores comes from environmentally friendly farms that pay workers a fair wage
Not content with simply outsourcing their call centre, Optus plans to offshore it to India, claiming the move will supplement
its domestic call centre operations. Considering how poor Optus customer service is at the moment, I doubt this move could make it any worse, but it’s still a bad PR exercise from Optus
The US Interior Department on Friday gave final approval to a plan by ConocoPhillips and partner Anadarko Petroleum to develop five tracts around the oil-rich Alpine field on Alaska’s North Slope
The very citizen journalists who very nearly pushed John Kerry into the White House have continued with their stellar work, uncovering an interesting photo naming policy on a shared Netscape/CNN site. The photo showed a lovable Laura Bush holding her ape-faced hubby. Until late last night, the photo was appropriately called asshole.jpg. It has now been changed to the more innocuous, but less amusing, georgelaura135.jpg
Regional player SP Telemedia has bolstered its presence in the city with the acquisition of failed telco Comindico
Starbucks has launched an aggressive plan to ensure coffee sold in its stores comes from environmentally friendly farms paying workers a fair wage. By 2007, Starbucks expects that 60% of its coffee will come from farmers following strict rules on everything from forestation to pesticides to labor practices. About 10% of Starbucks’ coffee is bought from suppliers following such rules now
Nigeria’s Ogoni tribe has threatened mass action against the local unit of Royal Dutch Shell if the oil giant fails to withdraw troops from the area within seven days
At least 300 software development jobs at IT services giant EDS Australia are expected to be lost after customer Telstra agreed to a proposal to have the work performed overseas
The European Patent office in Munich had granted a patent to Monsanto on 21 May 2003. The patent covered wheat exhibiting a special baking quality that Monsanto claimed to be its invention. However, Greenpeace proved in its opposition that the wheat variety was bred by Indian farmers for improving its baking quality and it was not a genetically-engineered invention as claimed by Monsanto
More than 50% of Australian online shopping sites are selling goods or services with terms and conditions which robbed shoppers of their legal consumer rights. Deputy ACCC chair Louise Sylvan said many of these sites contained clauses which attempted to disclaim consumers’ warranty rights or limit liability
Wholesale network provider Comindico will be sold as soon as possible, the company’s voluntary administrator Ferrier Hodgson has announced. The company, which has spent around AU$445 million establishing its IP-based network and backhaul links to the US, entered voluntary administration Wednesday after critical negotiations with investors to save the business failed
The National Australia Bank is about to pilot a new service delivering internet banking passwords via SMS
Grameen Bank, famous for pioneering micro-credit programs in Bangladesh, has launched a new idea to empower the poor: arming beggars with mobile phones so they can sell a roving service for cash
The Greens have launched their new donations web site, At last, you can find out who is making big donations to the main political parties at the press of a button. Follow the money trail of over $100,000,000 of donations made to political parties since 1999, when the Australian Electoral Commission first started recording them electronically
The Royal College of General Practitioners has accused pharmaceutical companies of disease-mongering in order to boost sales, bringing the NHS to the brink of collapse
Glenmorangie was at the centre of a furious bidding war last night as the Macdonald family’s decision to sell its controlling share sent ripples of interest through the City, catapulting its shares up over 25%. The company has been valued at £250 million, but analysts say it could reach £300m if a bidding war ensues. Although no formal bids have come to the table, two front runners in Brown Foreman, (makers of Jack Daniel’s) and Bacardi have emerged
The official launch of Unwired‘s wireless broadband service has prompted Ozemail to break its silence about its deal with rival broadband provider, Personal Broadband Australia
Moronic Trade Minister Mark Vaile, a man up to his neck in dodgy deals with big business, has opened the door to Federal Government departments offshoring IT services work, telling a Sydney function that a vibrant economy and flexible workplace arrangements
would keep Australia competitive
Two years after Microsoft executives began urging managers to outsource software development work to India, a Washington state technology union says the company has sent increasingly high-level jobs overseas, including some related to Longhorn, the next version of Windows — via Triode Internet
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Red Wolf: Related articles are still available via ABC News, but the o ..
Renee Purdie: Is there y pictures of this Jake O'dell an so you know of hi ..
Faith: Here we are at the end of 2023 and I have to re read this bl ..
Lin: You have made them private - is there any way you could make ..