World Net Daily Sells Lies with the Pink Swastika

Fundamentalist Christians love to blame National Socialism on the left when, in fact, it is a right-wing phenomenon, as was Fascism in Spain and Italy. They have accused liberals of being Nazis (as well as communists, somehow) and leveled the same accusation at feminists and secularists and atheists and pagans. They are also blaming homosexuals — via

Gang members taught first aid for stab wounds

Teaching young, violent criminals the first aid techniques that could save the lives of fellow gang members might seem a dangerous move but a new project doing exactly that is gaining the attention of youth offending teams across the country.

The brainchild of a group of medical students at Liverpool University, the course specialises in teaching teenagers already involved in knife and gun crime the skills to give pre-hospital care immediately after a penetrating injury.

The two-week Basics course is now a core part of Liverpool’s Young Offenders Team’s restorative justice programme. Youth offending experts in Nottinghamshire and medics in London have also expressed interest — via

How Twitter saved the day

There aren’t many fairy stories that start at 6pm on a Tuesday evening in Sydney. Even fewer have no mention of dragons, pumpkins or enchanted apples. But this is a new fable, a truly modern tale for the Twitter and social media non-believers. A fairytale 2.0 if you will — via

Microfinance faces hurdles in empowering Afghan women

In a dimly lit room at the back of an Afghan house, 21-year-old Zahara is crouched on a plank of wood weaving a large carpet on a loom that she was able to buy using a microfinance loan of $1,100 (710 pounds).

Zahara started weaving carpets when she was 10 and did not go to school, but the loan from non-profit development group BRAC allowed her to start her own business about 18 months ago and she has since taken out two more loans of $330 each — via

Girl, 14, better off in ‘destructive cult’

A teenager has been ordered by the Family Court to live with her father in a religious community, despite her mother’s claims it was a destructive cult that exposed the girl to harm.

The 14-year-old was born into the community her parents joined 30 years ago. The father said it was a nurturing environment teaching Christian ideals; the mother said it was controlled by a self-proclaimed prophet and rife with psychological abuse.

After the mother left and moved in with a new partner, the father said she would burn in hell. For legal reasons, the family cannot be named — via

Vodafone customers to sue in class action

It has already presided over one of the biggest PR disasters of the year and now Vodafone faces being sued by potentially thousands of its customers over poor network performance.

Sydney law firm PiperAlderman is seeking out disgruntled Vodafone customers to form a class action lawsuit over dropped calls, reception issues and poor data performance that have left customers fuming — via

When it comes to online shopping, Australia’s consumers are 15 years ahead of our retailers

It’s amusing to see the country’s biggest retailers on TV pleading their case for a GST on imports and talking about Australian workers and jobs. After decades of sourcing the lowest possible manufacturing prices from India, China, and Vietnam, we have to defend Australian jobs by paying GST on our overseas Internet purchases under $1000 — via