I thought long and hard about how we could incorporate a hands-on activity for mummification. Someone suggested we mummify a chicken, but I opted not to do that mainly because it sounds nasty, but also because we don’t eat meat and therefore don’t buy it. Then I heard about a project in which you can mummify fruits or veggies. Sounded a bit more like my kind of thing, but ultimately I really I wanted to do something that had more to do with the ritual aspect of mummification. So, we decided to mummify Barbie! — via Kids Activities Blog
The earliest recorded tattoo was found on a Peruvian mummy in 6,000 BC. That’s some old ink! And considering humans lose roughly 40,000 skin cells per hour, how do these markings last? Claudia Aguirre details the different methods, machines and macrophages (you’ll see) that go into making tattoos stand the test of time.
Lesson by Claudia Aguirre, animation by TOGETHER — via Youtube
This video has been carefully designed to create a strong natural hallucination based on the motion aftereffect illusion (MAE). Use full screen and HD for better results — via Youtube
BSSCo. Antimatter reverses the process by which subatomic energy organises into material form. Suggested for use in the dissolution of all material structures, including human and non-human bodies, all forms in nature, buildings, material planets, unwanted hair, paperwork.
Each serving of Antimatter does not provide the recommended daily allowance of anything. AntiFat, AntiSodium, and AntiProtein content have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you reside in an Anti-Universe, Antimatter will not work as indicated.
Antimatter is not a form of Invisibility. Do not attempt to use it as one!
Warning: Ordering in the same shipment as Matter is a waste of 20 bucks — via BSSCo
Scientists have developed a new pain-free filling that allows cavities to be repaired without drilling or injections.
The tooth-rebuilding technique developed at King’s College London does away with fillings and instead encourages teeth to repair themselves.
Tooth decay is normally removed by drilling, after which the cavity is filled with a material such as amalgam or composite resin.
The new treatment, called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER), accelerates the natural movement of calcium and phosphate minerals into the damaged tooth.
A two-step process first prepares the damaged area of enamel, then uses a tiny electric current to push minerals into the repair site. It could be available within three years — via redwolf.newsvine.com
In February 2012, as leader of the Greens, I made a courtesy call on Tony Abbott. He had just pipped Malcolm Turnbull in a party room vote for the leadership of the opposition. He looked straight at me and said, I am an environmentalist!
I did not roll my eyes or argue. I had heard the like before. The CEO of Tasmania’s Hydro-Electric Commission, after flooding Lake Pedder and at the height of the controversy over damming the Franklin River, maintained that he was an environmentalist. So have a string of other dam-builders, loggers and gougers of the Earth.
Quite a few embellish this absurdity by calling themselves the true or real environmentalists. Even the Japanese whale killers fire their grenade-tipped harpoons in the name of environmental science.
US president George Bush senior flew to the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 claiming to be the environmental president. One US cartoonist had him being greeted there by three other male heads-of-state with I’m Little Red Riding Hood
, I’m Miss Muffet
and I’m Goldilocks!
John Howard went no further than to claim that he was greenish
, but Tony Abbott is staking his claim to be the environmental prime minister. In Washington last week he repeated his self-assessment — I am a conservationist
— to bewildered journalists — via redwolf.newsvine.com
Photo Credit: Chris Darimont/Raincoast Conservation Project
Chester Starr of the Heiltsuk First Nation knows that the wolves of British Columbia come in two varieties: timber wolves on the mainland and coastal wolves on the islands. Genetic research has finally confirmed what Starr’s tribe has always known.
It was Starr’s traditional ecological knowledge
that initially inspired Polish Academy of Sciences researcher Astrid V Stronen and University of Calgary scientist Erin Navid to take a closer look at British Columbia’s wolves. They wanted to see whether the Heiltsuk Nation’s folk knowledge was reflected in the wolves’ genes.
The puzzling thing is that wolves are capable of moving over vast geographical distances. They can easily travel more than 70 kilometers per day without even breaking a sweat. They can cross valleys and mountains, and can swim across rivers and even small channels of sea. Yet Stronen, Navid, and colleagues found stark genetic distinctions among wolf groups in an area just 2000 square kilometers.
Why are there such clear genetic groupings among wolf groups who ought to be able to intermix?
According to the researchers, it’s all about what they eat. Despite the tiny distances between the mainland and the islands — sometimes less than 1500 meters of water — there are tremendous ecological distinctions. The mainland is rugged and is home to tons of wildlife, while the islands are less mountainous and host fewer species. On the mainland, grizzly bears compete with wolves, but on islands, wolves are the top dogs. On the mainland, wolves can feast on moose and mountain goats. On the islands, wolves rely on marine resources, like fish, for 85% of their diets — via redwolf.newsvine.com
For the first time in more than 20 years, Australia’s much-loved kids’ science program, the Curiosity Show, has partnered with Kellogg Australia to create a new episode all in the name of educating Aussie parents and their children about breakfast nutrition — via Youtube
We’ve been selling Magnetic Thinking Putty for years and have always been astounded by the burning questions we’ve received for this ever-popular item. So, we decided to do some experimentation utilising a 100-pound ball of Magnetic Thinking Putty and a ridiculously strong magnet — via Youtube
UNSW researchers are a step closer to proving whether explosives — rather than water — can be used to extinguish an out-of-control bushfire.
Dr Graham Doig, of the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, is conducting the research, which extends a long-standing technique used to put out oil well fires.
The process is not dissimilar to blowing out a candle: it relies on a blast of air to knock a flame off its fuel source.
Doig travelled to the Energetic Materials Research Testing Center — a high-explosives and bomb test site in a remote part of New Mexico — in January this year to scale up tests he originally conducted at UNSW’s heat transfer and aerodynamics laboratory.
The New Mexico tests used a four-metre steel blast tube — which contained a cardboard cylinder wrapped in detonation cord — to produce a concentrated shockwave and rush of air. This was directed at a metre-high flame fuelled by a propane burner.
The sudden change in pressure across the shockwave, and then the impulse of the airflow behind it pushed the flame straight off the fuel source. As soon as the flame doesn’t have access to fuel any more, it stops burning.
Doig hopes the concept can now be scaled up to fight out-of-control forest and bushfires burning in remote parts of the world — via Youtube
#3557 — via Explosm
Australians have been told they are wasting their money
on homoeopathy, with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) reporting there is no reliable evidence
homeopathic remedies are effective in treating health conditions.
The finding, which has been documented in a draft information paper, has been welcomed by some in the medical research community, who argue patients should not pay money for unproven folk remedies.
Doctor Nick Zeps, who was part of the working group that developed the paper, says the evidence that was gathered in the review would suggest that there is no reliable evidence in many instances that homoeopathy has an effect that is different from a placebo
If it’s no better than a placebo, then objectively you could say that they [patients] were wasting their money,
he said.
The finding has been supported by Emeritus Professor of medicine at the University of New South Wales, John Dwyer.
I think there’s no question … that people are relatively easily hoodwinked into thinking that these preparations might be effective,
he said — via redwolf.newsvine.com
Advocates on Fraser Island off south-east Queensland say the classification of dingoes as a distinct native species will allow the animals to be better protected.
University of Sydney research has led to authorities classifying the dingo as a distinct Australian animal.
Malcolm Kilpatrick from Save Fraser Island Dingoes says it will allow purebred dingoes to be distinguished from dingo dogs
He says purebreds need to be conserved as they play an important role in the Fraser Island ecosystem.
When you take an apex predator out of any ecological circle you’ve got a major disaster on your hands — that the next one up is going to step up and take the position of the animal that’s gone,
he said.
On the mainland whether it’s a coyote or a fox or anything like that, it can be a real problem because they spare nothing.
Mr Kilpatrick says the classification will allow better dingo protection — via redwolf.newsvine.com
When a science-mad AI system (voiced by GLaDOS actress Ellen McLain) is installed at NASA, two hapless computer technicians learn the process behind nuclear fusion in the Sun, and how it differs from fission.
This video was produced by the education & public outreach department of NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, focusing on STEM education. It addresses content included in the Next Generation Science Standards, PS1.C: Nuclear Processes
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Centre at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Centre at Caltech. Caltech manages JPL for NASA — via Youtube
Now you have the power to create your own element! One of the greatest features of our Periodic Table cutting board design is the ability to personalise the 118th element Ununoctium. You may use this power to create an element named specifically for a person you know, or to commemorate a special occasion such as a graduation or wedding anniversary. Our Periodic Table of the Elements cutting board makes the perfect gift for science students and teachers, or anyone who just likes a little chemistry in the kitchen — via Etsy
The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research; by Thomas H. Painter, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Center for the Study of Earth from Space (CSES), University of Colorado at Boulder, USA Michael E Schaepman, Centre for Geo-Information, Wagenigen University, The Netherlands Wolf Schweizer, Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland Jason Brazile, Remote Sensing Laboratories, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
We conducted an experiment to determine whether people can tell shit from Shinola.
Shinola is a brand of shoe polish once manufactured in the United States. Today we care about Shinola only because it is part of the slang expression doesn’t know shit from Shinola
, meaning is completely ignorant
. Shinola is posited for comparison with shit because the two substances have a similar dark brown color and smeary consistency.
The expression now has a special degree of irony. Most people truly do not know shit from Shinola — because they have never heard of Shinola — via redwolf.newsvine.com
Thanks to a couple of Norwegian musicians, a lot of people have become obsessed with one question: What does the fox say? It turns out that foxes say
lots of different things depending on the situation, and if you think the song is weird, just wait ’til you hear the real thing — via Youtube
— via Twisted Doodles
Scientists have discovered a new species of dolphin in the Amazon River system for the first time in almost 100 years – and say it should immediately be given endangered status.
Experts from the Federal University of Amazonas in Manaus, Brazil found that a small group of river dolphins, also known as botos, in the Araguaia basin were separated from other populations by only a narrow canal and series of rapids.
Upon closer inspection and after DNA testing, Tomas Hrbek and his team discovered that the group was in fact a distinct species, which they suggest naming the Araguaian boto.
Publishing their research in the journal Plos One, the scientists said the Araguaian boto was most likely separated from other dolphin species more than two million years ago, and that a series of morphological and genetic differences represent strong evidence that individuals from the Araguaia River represent a distinct biological group
— via redwolf.newsvine.com
A fox has been tracked more than 40 miles (70km) away from its home range, breaking the previous British record.
The fox was named Fleet by University of Brighton researchers and fitted with a satellite tagged collar.
Scientists were surprised to record Fleet walking a total of 195 miles (315km) as he headed into the Sussex countryside from his home in the city — via redwolf.newsvine.com