Not meant for the public eye, this film reveals the dark reality of what’s wrong with company’s product. With its primitive instincts triggered by bad behaviour of people around it, the seemingly tame Father Christmas will forget the intensive training and turn into a brutal beast. You better watch out, you better not cry, There’s no room for mistakes — via YouTube
Tokyo’s metropolitan government has restricted the sale of traditional comics and cartoons which feature illustrations of sex crimes — via
Great news for Alien franchise purists, as Alien conceptual artist HR Giger has been confirmed as a contributor to the prequel that Ridley Scott is set to begin shooting in February — via
Film director and writer Blake Edwards, best known for his work on the Pink Panther films, died last week aged 88 — via
This is a video showing the automatic sliding door I built in my house. It is powered by air, it is fully enclosed in the wall, and it has the appearance of a standard interior door — via uiproductions
Actor Gus Mercurio has died in Melbourne aged 82 — via
Armin Strom, Official Timing Partner of the Virgin Racing Formula One Team, has announced that it will participate in an art project with the Ronnie Wood. Best known as a Rolling Stone, Ronnie is also an artist, and during 2011 he will paint a Virgin Racing Formula 1 car, an Armin Strom watch, and a Virgin Racing driver’s helmet. The Armin Strom “Art Watch” will be auctioned at the 2011 Only Watch exhibition and sale in Monaco — via
The Man in Black
was dressed in blue as he rehearsed for a 1969 concert at San Quentin.
The embroidered blue jumpsuit that Johnny Cash wore to practice caused a bidding war during a memorabilia auction Sunday, bringing in nearly 10 times what was expected.
The suit was expected to sell for $5,000, but was eventually claimed for $50,000 by a collector from Belgium, said Darren Julien, president and CEO of Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills. He would not name the buyer.
The auction of 321 lots sold for over $700,000, nearly twice what was expected, Julien said Monday — via
The man who created Mr Squiggle for the ABC series of the same name has died after a long illness in Sydney — via
For the past eight weeks, the biggest-selling song in Germany has been a cover version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow by a morbidly obese, ukulele-playing Hawaiian named Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. But any new fans hoping to see him perform will be as disappointed as the song’s publisher, who heard the version a few years ago, realised the lyrics were slightly wrong, and asked Leah Bernstein at the Mountain Apple record label if she could ask him to re-record it. Well I’d really love to,
Bernstein replied, but he’s dead
— via
Here’s a sentence you don’t read every day: last Sunday afternoon, our kitchen was brought to a standstill by the sound of a broken-down fairground ride with its calliope in a state of terrible disrepair wheezing out a wildly offkey version of Tom Jones’s It’s Not Unusual. The reactions among the Petridis family ranged from hilarity (me) to wild, howling terror (Agatha, aged one), both of which somehow seemed right: it was both uproariously funny and deeply unsettling. It was played on Jarvis Cocker’s fantastic BBC 6 Music show, but he had discovered it on the Tape Findings section of a website called Here, an American bloke posts MP3 files of the sounds recorded on random cassettes he finds in thrift stores and garage sales — via
Apache Pictures made a short film that imagines Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner as human beings. It’s called Wiley vs Rhodes. The special effects are impressive for an independent short film — via Neatorama
It’s not every day that you would want to invite the star-spawn of the high priest to the Great Old Ones into your home, but you may want to make an exception to that rule when you see how many dice this dreaded cosmic entity can hold. Unlike the real Cthulhu, this one has an ample pouch in its back for carrying all of your multi-sided dice, car keys or maybe just some tokens of your life before you started following the many-tentacled one. Plus, your valuables will remain safe because – unlike those lesser, drawstring-ensconced bags, Cthulhu’s pouch is protected with a zipper that’ll make losing dice tougher than finding R’lyeh — via Wired
May the font be with you — via society6
Veteran Canadian funnyman Leslie Nielsen has died of complications from pneumonia aged 84 — via
Sometimes it gets so busy around Santa’s workshop that the new guy scarcely gets noticed. A quick background check would have found this new elf on a list of the VERY naughty. Woe be to his supervisor when he summons him once too often for menial chores. A coworker thinks she overheard him softly singing, It’s beginning to look a lot like End Times…
The Cthulhu Elf is an original work of art, a one-of-a-kind figure sculpted from epoxy clay over a wire armature and then painted with acrylics. He stands about 6 1/2 inches tall — via Etsy
Firefighters were called to a fire at the old George Washington Hotel this week and got a shock when they found a room splattered with blood and empty liquor bottles.
Washington Police Chief JR Blyth thought Sunday’s discovery was the most grisly murder scene in his 35 years in law enforcement. He committed several investigators to the crime scene
— until they realized it had been set up that way for a horror movie — via
Since their original publication in the 1920s, the stories of HP Lovecraft have endured and grown into an entire subset of the horror genre unto themselves, with themes of the unavoidable insanity that comes with knowledge and cosmic insignificance that are far more subtle and ultimately terrifying than the average ghost story.
Which makes them great entertainment for eight year-olds — via Comics Alliance
A pistol held by Sean Connery as James Bond in a poster to promote the 1963 film From Russia With Love has sold at auction for £277,250 — via
Knitter Tara Wheeler has whipped up these wonderful TARDIS socks:
“I knitted up a pair of these a few years ago and they’ve gotten lots of complements.
I’ve finally written up my pattern, which pre-supposes you know how to knit socks.”
— via Boing Boing