Heroes in a half shell… Snailtle power! As it is World Turtle Day, I figured it was the best day to premiere these guys. Snailonardo, Snailatello, Snailphael and Snailangelo The Ninja Snailtles! — via Crochet all the Things
A $6 million tourism campaign has been launched to promote the Barossa Valley as the nation’s top food and wine destination.
The advertisement features a soundtrack by Australian singer Nick Cave and will appear on television networks around Australia from 2 June 2.
There will also be a digital and print media campaign, in an effort to attract interstate visitors.
Tourism Barossa chairman Chris Pfeiffer said there was more to the Barossa Valley than wine production — via redwolf.newsvine.com
A handmade recreation of a Cthulhu cultist’s storage chest inspired by HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Painstakingly created by Mythos artist Jason McKittrick, this collection is a veritable treasure trove of Cthulhu Cult related artefacts and documents contained in a handmade aged wooden chest — viadeviantART
Surprise! — via deviantART
Blood Games – Click from Popcorn Horror on Vimeo.
Film Name : Click
Duration : 14:25
Bela Lugosi in stageplay of Arsenic and Old Lace — via Steve Nile Tumblr
Leave it to Pinkamena Diane Pie to mop up your worries, real or imagined, with a smile. But if your troubles are with parasprites, she’ll also be needing a whole bunch of instruments to round them up. And no, you won’t be needing an equal number of Pinkie Pies or other musically inclined ponies for that matter as she can play them all by herself. As to how exactly she can pull that off, who knows? Just keep a lookout for stray parasprites like Gummy’s doing, or at least that’s what I think he’s doing.
The stand, figures, tuba and accordion are carved out of Philippine mahogany while the gears, banjo, tambourine, harmonica and parasprites are made from Narra hardwood. The Parasprite wings are made with lacquered tracing paper and the cymbals are from sheet metal. The figures are painted in enamel and protected by clear flat lacquer. Pinkie Pie stands at 5″ and measured as a whole including the stand and instruments is 8 1/4″ tall, 8 1/2″ long, and 4 1/4″ wide. The entire piece took 129 1/2 hours to complete — via Youtube
Pinhead, The Female & Butterball, originally uploaded by capnbootle.
On a normal weeknight, Netflix accounts for almost a third of all Internet traffic entering North American homes. That’s more than YouTube, Hulu, Amazon.com, HBO Go, iTunes, and BitTorrent combined. Traffic to Netflix usually peaks at around 10.00pm in each time zone, at which point a chart of Internet consumption looks like a python that swallowed a cow. By midnight Pacific time, streaming volume falls off dramatically.
As prime time wound down on 31 January, though, there was an unusual amount of tension at Netflix. That was the night the company premièred House of Cards, its political thriller set in Washington. Before midnight about 40 engineers gathered in a conference room at Netflix’s headquarters. They sat before a collection of wall-mounted monitors that displayed the status of Netflix’s computing systems. On the conference table, a few dozen laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other devices had the Netflix app loaded and ready to stream.
When the clocks hit 12.00am, the entire season of House of Cards started appearing on the devices, as well as in the recommendation lists of millions of customers chosen by an algorithm. The opening scene, a dog getting run over by an SUV, came and went. At 12.15am, around the time Kevin Spacey’s character says I’m livid,
everything was working fine. That’s when the champagne comes,
says Yury Izrailevsky, the vice president in charge of cloud computing at Netflix, which has a history of self-inflicted catastrophes. Izrailevsky stayed until the wee hours of the morning—just in case—as thousands of customers binge-watched the show. The midnight ritual repeated itself on 19 April, when Netflix premièred its werewolf horror series Hemlock Grove, and will again on 26 May, when its revival of Arrested Development goes live — via redwolf.newsvine.com
Death by Skottie Young — via Neil Gaiman
During the past few weeks the US Ambassador to Australia has courted controversy with his opinions of those who download Game of Thrones without paying. Now it’s been revealed that he has more than just a passing interesting in copyright infringement.
Last month US Ambassador Jeffrey L Bleich kicked up a storm when he jumped aboard the Game of Thrones downloading controversy. He singled-out citizens in Australia and appealed to them to stop stealing
the show.
Then just a few days later Bleich was back, responding to criticisms from people who felt that an ambassador should have better things to do than worry about a bit of downloading.
Actually, given the overwhelming response to the topic, maybe I haven’t talked about internet piracy enough,
he said at the start of a second lengthy Facebook posting on the issue.
Now, thanks to News.com.au, we have a clearer idea why Bleich might have such a keen interest in the issue of illegal downloading — via redwolf.newsvine.com
American graphic designer and filmmaker, Saul Bass, has been given a video Google Doodle to mark what would have been his 93rd birthday.
Bass was best known for his cinema title sequences and movie posters, working with such directors as Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese. The video showcases some of his best work from a prolific Hollywood career which spanned five decades.
He designed the title sequences for Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest (1959) and Psycho (1960), and his work also included Spartacus (1960), West Side Story (1961), The Shining (1980), Goodfellas (1990),Cape Fear (1991) and Casino (1995) — via redwolf.newsvine.com