The man behind the no-frills airline easyJet is opening a low-cost cinema — easyCinema — along the same lines. But you won’t be able to see the hotly-awaited Matrix sequel there, yet
A former chairman of the Tasmanian Racing Authority and the Launceston General Hospital will spend six months in jail after being found guilty of dishonestly using his position as a director
The popularity of ethical investment funds has been increasing by nearly 40% per year over the last few years, according to US research company The Social Investment Forum. A rising number of investors want their money to earn a return, but in a socially responsible way is a great site that proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles
St George Bank has been the target of a major internet banking fraud in which thousands of dollars were being laundered through a third party account and transferred offshore
The first national competition to promote the sensible use of English on product labelling has named and shamed Britain’s top 10 silliest packaging instructions
Arnott’s claims the Temptin’ chocolate biscuits sold by Dick Smith Foods unfairly cash in on the good name of its famous Tim Tams and is breaching trademark rules
After years of ridicule and ruin, internet stocks are recapturing their charm and seducing investors again
Protesters in the Netherlands and London heckled Shell management at the oil giant’s annual meetings this week over executive pay rises and environmental policies
In a move the company claims is designed to comply with federal regulations, will delete most references to Syria, Iran, Sudan, Myanmar and five other countries from job postings and resumés
The US sugar industry is threatening to bring the World Health Organisation to its knees by demanding that Congress end its funding unless the WHO scraps proposed guidelines on healthy eating
Executives of companies found guilty of price-fixing could face jail terms under a federal government overhaul of competition law
WorldCom is planning to announce that it will abandon its scandal-tainted corporate moniker and take on the name of its better-known long-distance subsidiary, MCI, according to sources familiar with the company’s intentions. And for much the same reasons the dodgy Advantage Group has rebadged itself as Provenco, no doubt hoping that customers have the attention span of a goldfish
The House approved nearly $19 billion in tax breaks Friday for energy companies and power producers and set up a showdown with the Senate over energy policy, particularly oil drilling in an Alaska wildlife refuge
Federal investigators have arrested Andrew Carlssin, an enigmatic Wall Street wiz, on insider-trading charges. Carlssin claims his uncanny success in the stock market is due to his being a time traveller from the year 2256
Westpac‘s web site has been replicated across the Pacific, but the bank claims that all customer details are safe
A big thanks to Billy at Skin Deep for my new labret and nose piercings. You can never have too much shiny titanium in your face
Swiss banking giant UBS said it will hand over to the US government some Iraqi assets that had been frozen since 1990. Now if only the Catholic Bank would hand over stolen Nazi assets from WWII
French oil giant TotalFinaElf has closed its oil production facilities in Nigeria’s western delta and evacuated workers, due to spiraling violence that has left dozens of people dead
Al Gore has been chosen to be on Apple’s board of directors. The inventor of the internet should be a valuable asset to Apple