Lukas Grunwald, a senior consultant with DN-Systems Enterprise Solutions GmbH, is warning retailers that the RFID technology that they are quickly adopting can easily be hacked with the appropriate tools
Human rights organisation Reporters sans Frontières has accused Yahoo! and Google of deliberately conspiring to censor the Web. RSF called the pair irresponsible
for blocking some content labelled as subversive by the Chinese government — sites relating to Tibet’s independence, for example. Such sites disappear from the Chinese language version of Yahoo and a Yahoo-parented search engine, Yisou, while a local search engine that Google now owns a share of, Baidu, also censors its results
Three founders of Australia’s largest and crappest Web hosting company, WebCentral, will walk away with AU$18 million in cash when they sell their shares to listed tech company FTR Holdings
John Howard is threatening to take his bat and ball and go home. The whiny little prick wants to suspend talks [BugMeNot] with East Timor over billions of dollars of oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea until after the election, after Labor leader Mark Latham said he could restart negotiations
Pilgrim, a supplier for Kentucky Fried Chicken, suspended a worker without pay and is investigating three others after an animal rights group released video of workers kicking, stomping and throwing birds against walls at a West Virginia plant
The aerial spraying (using helicopters) of plantation timbers appears to be responsible for large-scale losses of commercial oyster following heavy rainfall events. The normal environmental protection methods do not appear to be in place and no policing of the State’s own Forestry Code of Practice appears to be occurring. More disturbingly, the problems associated with oysters also correlate with tumours and mortality in Tasmanian Devils. Further there appears to be a risk to human health as contamination of local drinking water supplies is also possible
ANZ Banking Group has made changing banks easier with the launch of an online account switching service that allows customers to simply enter all their relevant details once and it automatically generate the necessary written advice to third parties telling them to switch accounts to ANZ
The Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement gives corporations the power to sue government, in either domestic courts or through international arbitration, riding over democracy
It may soon be possible to carry around an AK-47 assault rifle and an iPod with you down the street — and be arrested for carrying the iPod. That’s according to critics of a Senate amendment to the copyright code proposed by Senator Orrin Hatch this week called the Induce Act
. He wants to make the intentional inducement of copyright infringement
an offence, and this will extend liability to any manufacturer of a device which plays infringed material, or a shop that sells such a device, they say — via BoingBoing
Inghams has told McDonalds in New Zealand that the next shipments of soy to feed their chickens will not be GE, whereas Australian consumers still have no choice but to eat Inghams chickens fed GE soy
A US federal judge yesterday approved class-action status for a sex-discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart that has become the largest private civil rights case in US history. It could represent as many as 1.6 million current and former female employees of the retailer
ISP iiNet has announced plans to roll out its own DSL broadband infrastructure covering approximately 11,000 ports across Australia. After a three month customer pilot and feasibility study, 32 exchanges will be covered for the initial rollout around the country, replacing part of the capacity currently acquired from iiNet’s wholesale provider
Just when you thought Optus customer service couldn’t get any worse, the cheap bastards have joined the ranks of Australian telecommunications companies using cheap labour in India for some of their call centre operations
The Supreme Court of Canada says that you’re liable if a plant with a patented gene infects your property. If you recall, Schmeiser claims (and research supports) that Roundup Ready canola seeds infected his own crops. Monsanto prosecuted him for patent infringement
Anti-spam company Brightmail has opted out of an initial public offering, accepting instead a $US370 million cash buyout offer from internet security giant Symantec
Chemical giant Monsanto has confirmed it will withdraw from its attempt to grow genetically modified (GM) canola in Australia. The announcement comes just days after the company’s international arm announced it was pulling out of GM wheat trials in the United States and Canada
Appalling forest destruction catches up with nationally condemned woodchip corporation. Gunns, the world’s biggest hardwood woodchipper, has been stripped of its hoped-for Banksia award to be announced by the corrupt Prime Minister Howard on 5 June, World Environment Day
Shadow IT minister Kate Lundy has slammed a report on offshore outsourcing commissioned by the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) as self-serving and one-eyed
. The AIIA report found that of 100 large business and government organisations, 12 had already completed an offshore outsourcing project and a further five were considering it as an option for later this year. Senator Lundy scoffed at the report’s findings, which appeared generally supportive of the offshoring notion, saying it was no surprise that the AIIA found those results. She also attacked the report’s published numbers, suggesting the AIIA had played with percentages to support its own agenda
Howard always was a corrupt, lying little bastard, so it’s no surprise that he’s axed dedicated government funding for solar research and lobbed some money the way of big business by supporting a Cooperative Research Centre for coal
Vijay Pawar Gramin campus Nanded: Required for home ..
Red Wolf: Related articles are still available via ABC News, but the o ..
Renee Purdie: Is there y pictures of this Jake O'dell an so you know of hi ..
Faith: Here we are at the end of 2023 and I have to re read this bl ..
Lin: You have made them private - is there any way you could make ..