Chefs sollen Toiletten nicht mehr ausspähen dürfen [Chefs are not allowed to spy on toilets]

Die Regierung will nach Zeitungsberichten die heimliche Videoüberwachung von Arbeitnehmern verbieten. Das Ausspähen von Toiletten, Umkleiden und Schlafräumen soll tabu sein. Personaler dürfen Bewerber zwar googeln, aber nicht auf Facebook ausspähen.

[via Google Translate: The government wants to newspaper reports, the secret surveillance of workers forbid.The obtaining of toilets, changing rooms and bedrooms should be taboo. Googling applicants, although HR may, on Facebook, but not spy.] — via

Critical plant bank in danger

Plant scientists around the world are warning that hundreds of years of accumulated agricultural heritage are in danger of being plowed under after a Russian court ruled today (August 11) that the land occupied by a world-renowned plant bank on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg may be transferred to the Russian Housing Development Foundation, which plans to build houses on the site — via