The proposed multilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has hit a stumbling block over the liability of ISPs in allowing customers access to peer-to-peer file-sharing sites and the inclusion of geographic indicators — via
For a trial period, customers using Circular Quay Station (Platforms 1 & 2) are now able to access free wireless internet — via
The $485,000 investment property of a landlord living abroad was sold without his knowledge after a Perth real estate agent was conned by scammers posing as the homeowner — via
Leaked documents suggest a group supported by tobacco companies will intensify its campaign against plain cigarette packaging this weekend — via
A group of US soldiers charged with the murder of civilians in Afghanistan allegedly took parts of their bodies as trophies — via
The election for the position of mayor of New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, is just under a month away and already some candidates have begun spending big on political advertising, but there is one candidate with quite literally nothing to spend — via
Philippines officials investigating the handling of a deadly siege in Manila last month have admitted police may have accidentally shot some of the hostages — via
The Australian Plague Locust Commission says egg beds up to nearly 20 kilometres long have been exposed in north-western Victoria after the recent flooding — via
A bill giving same-sex couples the right to adopt has been passed by the NSW parliament, after the Legislative Council voted in support of a last-minute amendment to the legislation — via
A three-kilometre long bed of locust eggs has been discovered west of Nyngan in central New South Wales — via
The owners of a hotel in central Victoria have been shocked to find a gold nugget in a fireplace — via
A prize-winning entrant has been ‘dog-napped’ from the Royal Adelaide Show — via
It is probably safe to assume that David Alvand likes his privacy. Firstly the civil engineer spent 12 years fighting a court battle over a 3.6-metre (12ft) concrete wall which he erected without planning permission around his back garden — via
A separate postmortem into the death of Ian Tomlinson carried out on behalf of the policeman filmed hitting him at the G20 protests last year has been withheld from the authorities, it has emerged — via
BT has launched a mobile app for broadband customers that automatically connects their iPhone and Android mobiles to free, unlimited Wi-Fi — via
Julia Gillard has just scraped back into office as Prime Minister after the independent MPs Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott announced they would support Labor to form a minority government — via
Assailants have forcibly tattooed a word on a young man’s forehead during a bizarre and sustained assault at a Wollongong home — via
Police in El Salvador have found more than $9 million in cash buried in an oil drum on a farm close to the capital San Salvador — via
Research into a new toxic blue green algae found in central Queensland waterways shows it could harm humans and kill livestock — via