Thomas Young Accused of Killing Puppies Because He Didn’t Want to Pay Vet Bills

Thomas Young doesn’t like barking dogs. He hates them so much, in fact, that Stanwood Police say he came home drunk on Wednesday night and killed his roommate’s three mixed-breed puppies. Though Young, 56, is claiming he doesn’t know how the puppies died, the cops say they found him with blood on his hands and shirt and three no-longer-barking-dogs in his living room — via

MI6 chief Sawers: we have nothing to do with torture and rights abuses

MI6 has declined to pass on information about individuals to foreign countries if it could lead to torture even though terrorist activity could be the end result, the head of the agency said.

Sir John Sawers, responding to persistent allegations of collusion in torture by the security and intelligence agencies, described the potential to save lives but said the risk of human rights abuse threw up real, constant, operational dilemmas — via

Dutch police behead Bredolab botnet

Dutch police and net security organisations have teamed up to dismantle many of the command and control servers associated with the Bredolab botnet.

The Bredolab Trojan, which has spyware components that allow criminals to capture bank login details and other sensitive information from compromised machines, has infected an estimated 30 million computers worldwide since its emergence in July 2009.

Infected machines remain pox-ridden but the command system associated with the cybercrime network has been decapitated, following an operation led by hi-tech police in The Netherlands — via

CSIRO: Australian Solar Technology To Have ‘Global Impact’

The Australian government-owned science organisation CSIRO has described the future of solar technology in the country as having a global impact after announcing the installation of 450 solar mirrors, or heliostats.

CSIRO will begin the rollout for Australia’s largest solar-thermal tower system at the CSIRO National Solar Energy Centre in Newcastle, New South Wales, according to an Oct. 26 press release by the organisation — via

Father found baby in northwest Calgary dumpster

Suddenly needing a crib, diapers and baby clothes, a new Calgary father was in a rush Wednesday morning to get the essentials for his little boy.

He vows the infant will be well cared for and promises to fight for custody.

In his first interview since the ordeal, the man whose baby was found in a northwest garbage bin Tuesday — by himself without knowing he was looking at his son — said he will do whatever he can for the infant that he and the baby’s mom didn’t know was coming — via

Indian neutrino lab to boast world’s biggest magnet

A major neutrino observatory set to be built in India cleared a major hurdle this week, when the Ministry of Environment and Forests formally approved the project.

The $250 million underground laboratory, called the Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO), will be built in the Bodi West Hills Reserved Forest in the state of Tamil Nadu — via