How 19-year-old activist Zack Kopplin is making life hell for Louisiana’s creationists

For Zack Kopplin, it all started back in 2008 with the passing of the Louisiana Science Education Act. The bill made it considerably easier for teachers to introduce creationist textbooks into the classroom. Outraged, he wrote a research paper about it for a high school English class. Nearly five years later, the 19-year-old Kopplin has become one of the fiercest — and most feared — advocates for education reform in Louisiana. We recently spoke to him to learn more about how he’s making a difference.

Kopplin, who is studying history at Rice University, had good reason to be upset after the passing of the LSEA — an insidious piece of legislation that allows teachers to bring in their own supplemental materials when discussing politically controversial topics like evolution or climate change. Soon after the act was passed, some of his teachers began to not just supplement existing texts, but to rid the classroom of established science books altogether. It was during the process to adopt a new life science textbook in 2010 that creationists barraged Louisiana’s State Board of Education with complaints about the evidence-based science texts. Suddenly, it appeared that they were going to be successful in throwing out science textbooks.

This was a pivotal moment for me, Kopplin told io9. I had always been a shy kid and had never spoken out before — I found myself speaking at a meeting of an advisory committee to the State Board of Education and urging them to adopt good science textbooks — and we won. The LSEA still stood, but at least the science books could stay.

No one was more surprised of his becoming a science advocate than Kopplin himself. In fact, after writing his English paper in 2008 — when he was just 14-years-old — he assumed that someone else would publicly take on the law. But no one did.

I didn’t expect it to be me, he said. By my senior year though, I realised that no one was going to take on the law, so for my high school senior project I decided to get a repeal bill — via

Beta-blockers may lower dementia risk

Taking beta-blocker drugs may cut the risk of dementia, a trial in 774 men suggests.

The medication is used to treat high blood pressure, a known risk factor for dementia.

In the study, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting in March, men on beta-blockers were less likely to have brain changes suggestive of dementia.

Experts say it is too early to recommend beta-blockers for dementia.

The findings are preliminary and larger studies in men and women from different ethnicities are needed to see what benefit beta-blockers might offer.

People with high blood pressure are advised to see their doctor and get their condition under control to prevent associated complications like heart disease, stroke and vascular dementia — via

Spit test improves asthma care

A simple spit test could identify thousands of children with severe asthma who are taking medication which will never help them, scientists say.

One in seven people will not respond to salmeterol, found in purple or green inhalers, which is given to tens of thousands of children in the UK.

A study of 62 children showed those patients could be identified and given effective treatment.

The results were published in the journal Clinical Science — via

Drug Enables Deafened Mice to Hear Again

All you greying, half-deaf Def Leppard fans, listen up. A drug applied to the ears of mice deafened by noise can restore some hearing in the animals. By blocking a key protein, the drug allows sound-sensing cells that are damaged by noise to regrow. The treatment isn’t anywhere near ready for use in humans, but the advance at least raises the prospect of restoring hearing to some deafened people — via

Got brown eyes? You seem trustworthy

Men with brown eyes have more trustworthy faces than men with blue eyes, according to a new study that proposes sexual selection of women in Europe about 10,000 years ago could be the cause.

Various facial traits, such as larger noses and higher set features, have previously been associated with perceived traits such as trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness, which in turn can indicate political success or salary of the person. But this was the first study that looked at eye colour and perceptions of trustworthiness.

Men with brown eyes tend to be perceived as more trustworthy than men with blue eyes, concluded Karel Kleisner, from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, co-author of the story published in the journal PLOS One — via

Purple alert! Australian heatwave forces climate experts to use new colour to represent extreme temperatures

Australia’s giant and record heatwave, which is sparking hundreds of bush fires across the land, has forced the country’s meteorologists to redraw their national temperature scales — upwards.

In an unprecedented move, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has extended the temperature range on its charts from the previous cap of 50 degrees Centigrade — 122 degrees Fahrenheit — to 54 degrees C, which is more than 129 degrees in Fahrenheit terms.

At the same time, it has added two entirely new colours — deep purple and pink — to show the new extreme range on its interactive weather maps. A patch of purple, indicating 50+, is now visible on one of the temperature charts for next week.

This is thought to be the first time that any country in the world has actually redrawn its charts to take account of temperatures which are thought likely to go off the scale which had been previously applied, and climate scientists indicated it was a warning for the future — via

Epilepsy and migraine could have shared genetic link

A strong family history of seizures could increase the chances of having severe migraines, says a study in Epilepsia journal.

Scientists from Columbia University, New York, analysed 500 families containing two or more close relatives with epilepsy.

Their findings could mean that genes exist that cause both epilepsy and migraine.

Epilepsy Action said it could lead to targeted treatments — via

Totally blind mice get sight back

Totally blind mice have had their sight restored by injections of light-sensing cells into the eye, UK researchers report.

The team in Oxford said their studies closely resemble the treatments that would be needed in people with degenerative eye disease.

Similar results have already been achieved with night-blind mice.

Experts said the field was advancing rapidly, but there were still questions about the quality of vision restored.

Patients with retinitis pigmentosa gradually lose light-sensing cells from the retina and can become blind.

The research team, at the University of Oxford, used mice with a complete lack of light-sensing photoreceptor cells in their retinas. The mice were unable to tell the difference between light and dark — via

Quantum gas goes below absolute zero

It may sound less likely than hell freezing over, but physicists have created an atomic gas with a sub-absolute-zero temperature for the first time. Their technique opens the door to generating negative-Kelvin materials and new quantum devices, and it could even help to solve a cosmological mystery.

Lord Kelvin defined the absolute temperature scale in the mid-1800s in such a way that nothing could be colder than absolute zero. Physicists later realized that the absolute temperature of a gas is related to the average energy of its particles. Absolute zero corresponds to the theoretical state in which particles have no energy at all, and higher temperatures correspond to higher average energies.

However, by the 1950s, physicists working with more exotic systems began to realise that this isn’t always true: Technically, you read off the temperature of a system from a graph that plots the probabilities of its particles being found with certain energies. Normally, most particles have average or near-average energies, with only a few particles zipping around at higher energies. In theory, if the situation is reversed, with more particles having higher, rather than lower, energies, the plot would flip over and the sign of the temperature would change from a positive to a negative absolute temperature, explains Ulrich Schneider, a physicist at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany — via

Panda Blood May Hold Potent Assailant Against Superbugs

Pandas have long been the face of conservation efforts by environmental activists, but a recent finding may boost even further the need for pandas to evade extinction. Researchers have discovered a powerful antibody in panda blood that could serve as the next frontier in the fight against increasingly prevalent superbugs.

The compound is called cathelicin-AM. Discovered when researchers analysed the creatures’ DNA, it has been found to kill fungus and bacteria. It is believed that the antibiotic is released to protect the animal from infections in the wild and, in studies, it has been found to kill both standard and drug-resistant strains of microbes and fungi. The compound also worked extremely quickly, killing off strains of bacteria in just an hour, while conventional antibiotics needed six.

Gene-encoded antimicrobial peptides play an important role in innate immunity against noxious microorganisms, lead researcher Dr Xiuwen Yen, from the Life Sciences College of Nanjing Agricultural University, in China said to the Telegraph. They cause much less drug resistance of microbes than conventional antibiotics — via

Two New Rainbow Lizards Found in Australia

Two New Rainbow Lizards Found in Australia
Elegant Rainbow Skink (Hoskin CJ / Couper PJ /James Cook University)

Australian biologists have discovered two new species of lizards — the Elegant Rainbow Skink (Carlia decora) and the Orange-flanked Rainbow Skink (Carlia rubigo).

Both species are small skinks belonging to the genus Carlia, a diverse group of skinks in tropical Australia, said Dr Conrad Hoskin of the James Cook University’s School of Marine and Tropical Biology, co-author of a paper reporting the discovery in the journal Zootaxa.

The species names are in reference to the bright colors sported by breeding males of each species; ‘decora’ means ‘beautiful’ in Latin, with males of that species marked with vivid orange and blue, while ‘rubigo’ translates to ‘rust’, referring to the rusty orange color of males of that species — via

MIT researchers discover a new kind of magnetism

Following up on earlier theoretical predictions, MIT researchers have now demonstrated experimentally the existence of a fundamentally new kind of magnetic behaviour, adding to the two previously known states of magnetism.

Ferromagnetism — the simple magnetism of a bar magnet or compass needle — has been known for centuries. In a second type of magnetism, antiferromagnetism, the magnetic fields of the ions within a metal or alloy cancel each other out. In both cases, the materials become magnetic only when cooled below a certain critical temperature. The prediction and discovery of antiferromagnetism — the basis for the read heads in today’s computer hard disks — won Nobel Prizes in physics for Louis Neel in 1970 and for MIT professor emeritus Clifford Shull in 1994.

We’re showing that there is a third fundamental state for magnetism, says MIT professor of physics Young Lee. The experimental work showing the existence of this new state, called a quantum spin liquid (QSL), is reported this week in the journal Nature, with Lee as the senior author and Tianheng Han, who earned his PhD in physics at MIT earlier this year, as lead author.

The QSL is a solid crystal, but its magnetic state is described as liquid: Unlike the other two kinds of magnetism, the magnetic orientations of the individual particles within it fluctuate constantly, resembling the constant motion of molecules within a true liquid — via

Bleeding internally? Seal it with this DARPA foam

While any soldier dreads the idea of being shot, sustaining an internal abdominal injury from an explosion or other impact can be far worse. Bleeding from wounds that can’t be compressed causes some 85 percent of preventable battlefield deaths.

As part of DARPA’s Wound Stasis program, Arsenal Medical has developed an injectable polymer foam that expands inside the body to staunch internal bleeding.

Based on testing in pigs, DARPA says the product can control haemorrhaging in an abdominal cavity for at least an hour, a critical window to get the soldier to a medical facility — via

English is a Scandinavian language

New linguistic research has concluded that residents of the British Isles didn’t just borrow words and expressions from Norwegian and Danish Vikings and their descendants. Rather, claim two professors now working in Oslo, the English language is in fact Scandinavian.

Jan Terje Faarlund, a professor of linguistics at the University of Oslo (UiO), told research magazine Apollon that new studies show English as we know it today to be a direct descendant of the language Scandinavians used after settling on the British Isles during and after the Viking Age. An article by Apollon’s editor Trine Nickelsen was published in Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten on Tuesday — via

Hagfish Slime Makes Super-Clothes

One of the world’s creepiest creatures may be the source of new kinds of petroleum-free plastics and super-strong fabrics, according to research by scientists in Canada studying the hagfish, a bottom-dwelling creature that hasn’t evolved for 300 million years and produces a sticky slime when threatened. The gooey material is actually a kind of protein that turns into choking strands of tough fibres when released into the water.

A research team at Canada’s University of Guelph managed to harvest the slime from the fish, dissolve it in liquid, and then reassemble its structure by spinning it like silk. It’s an important first step in being able to process the hagfish slime into a usable material, according to Atsuko Negishi, a research assistant and lead author on the paper in this week’s journal Biomacromolecules.

We’re trying to understand how they make these threads and how we can learn from that to make protein-based fibres that have excellent mechanical properties, Negishi said. The first step is can we harvest the threads. It turns out that is doable — via

Murder Is Like a Disease

With a homicide rate historically more than three times greater than the rest of the United States, Newark, New Jersey, isn’t a great vacation spot. But it’s a great place for a murder study.

Led by April Zeoli, an assistant professor of criminal justice, a group of researchers at Michigan State University tracked homicides around Newark from 1982 to 2008, using analytic software typically used by medical researchers to track the spread of diseases. They found that homicide clusters in Newark, as researchers called them, spread and move throughout a city much the same way diseases do. Murders, in other words, did not surface randomly — they began in the city centre and moved in diffusion-like processes across the city.

The study also found that the there were areas of Newark that, despite being beset by violence on all sides, remained almost completely immune to the surrounding trends over the entire course of the 26 years studied. Despite the longitudinal nature of the study, Zeoli notes in a press release that the analytic software can be employed in real time, so that police might potentially identify problem areas as they are emerging—or perhaps, one imagines, before they emerge. The research is due to be published in a forthcoming issue of a journal called Justice Quarterly — via

Surgery that puts menopause on hold

Ovarian tissue transplants could be used like egg-freezing to preserve a woman’s fertility into her 40s and 50s but IVF specialists say they will only offer it to women whose fertility is threatened by illness such as cancer.

On Wednesday Monash IVF announced it had preserved a woman’s fertility by taking ovarian tissue from her before she had breast cancer treatment in 2005, freezing it, and reimplanting it in her this year. It allowed the 43-year-old woman’s body to resume natural ovulation.

Now six weeks pregnant, the Melbourne woman is the 20th in the world and the first in Australia to achieve pregnancy with the ground-breaking technique — via

New species of lion discovered – In Ethiopian zoo?

A team of international researchers has provided the first comprehensive DNA evidence that the Addis Ababa lion in Ethiopia is genetically unique and is urging immediate conservation action to preserve this vulnerable lion population.

While it has long been noted that some lions in Ethiopia have a large, dark mane, extending from the head, neck and chest to the belly, as well as being smaller and more compact than other lions, it was not known until now if these lions represent a genetically distinct population — via