New vaccine ‘could cure snoring’

A quick injection in the back of the mouth can now silence snorers. The snoreplasty procedure is simple, effective and relatively painless. And at a mere US$35 it could be a wise investment if you’re sharing your bed with an ‘offender’ and are becoming homicidal through lack of sleep

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

Australian taxpayers now fund 84 percent of all the drugs prescribed by doctors. It’s a massive tonic for the drug industry, and companies spend a lot of those taxpayer dollars trying to get doctors to choose their drugs rather than someone else’s. They win favour with lavish meals at top restaurants, harbour cruises, dancing girls and expensive holidays… marketing methods that many experts believe are causing doctors to prescribe excessively and inappropriately

Fourteen condoms make one Benarasi saree

Doctors in the Indian city of Varanasi have finally discovered the reason for a surge in the popularity of the free condoms they have been dishing out for family planning. Weavers in the holy Hindu city, also known for its silk industry, have been using government-distributed condoms to help in producing hand-woven silk saris


Researchers found that darkness boosts the body’s immune system and aids in the body’s production of melatonin

Legal Injecting Room

Australia’s first legal heroin injecting room opened for business Sunday night with a handful of drug users using the facility. The medically supervised injecting room can handle up to 200 injecting episodes a day in two four-hour sessions. Sixteen people can use the facility at any one time. A private security firm has been retained to protect users entering and leaving the facility

Scientists Restore Vision To Dogs Born Blind

Three blind Briard puppies, had their right eyes treated late last year with a single injection of thousands of copies of the corrective gene. Their left eyes were untreated as a control. The scientists planned to formally test eye function three months later, when the dogs were 6 months old. But well before those tests, the dogs were already reacting to light