For Those Long Coding Sessions: The Food Patch

The US Army is working on a Transdermal Nutrient Delivery System which works similarly to nicotine or birth control patches but delivers vitamins and other micronutrients. It was developed to help warfighters sustain their physical and mental performance during high intensity conflict. Stand aside lest the herd of code geeks trample you in their rush for a supply of food patches — via Slashdot

McDonald’s test-markets Spam

Just when you thought it wasn’t possible for McDonald’s to get any worse… the 78 McDonald’s restaurants in Hawaii are adding a new menu item — spam

Wombles’ liberation

A group of artists have created a field of Wombles to show their support for May Day protestors. The anonymous group have used hundreds of soft toys originally given out with McDonald’s Happy Meals. The piece called Auto-Destructive Art will be dismantled on 1 May and the toys given to anti-globalisation campaigners