Google Offers Links to Free Music Downloads in China

Trying to gain ground in one of the few markets where it is behind, Google said Monday that it had begun to offer in China links to free music downloads, a service it does not offer anywhere else in the world. Google executives said they were responding to the phenomenal popularity of free music downloads in China and were acting legally by forming an alliance with the music industry, including Sony BMG Music Entertainment, EMI Group, Universal Music and the Warner Music Group

Google Library a Windfall for Authors

Australian authors and publishers are set to receive a windfall from Google’s project to put millions of books online. In recent weeks several Australian publishing industry bodies, such as the Australian Society of Authors, the Copyright Agency Limited and the Australian Publishers’ Association, have been contacting members to let them know about the settlement Google has reached with American authors and publishers. Under the terms of this settlement, copyright holders are to be paid US$60 ($91.85) a book and US$15 an article or chapter copied from the more than 7 million items in the Google Library project

Bletchley Park to Stage Retro Computer Orchestra

The shrill bleeps from 80s home computers and the hammering clicks of ancient calculating machines are noises that many people would prefer to forget, but not chip-tune musician Matthew Applegate. He plans on assembling a virtual orchestra of 20 retired relics of computing at the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. The choice of venue will even allow Applegate to feature the famous Colossus Mark 2 computer in the event, which was used for code-breaking in World War II and was recently reconstructed at Bletchley Park in 2007

Fantasy Island Star Ricardo Montalban Dies

Actor Ricardo Montalban, best known as the debonair and mysterious Mr Roarke on the popular television series Fantasy Island, died yesterday at the age of 88. Mexican-born actor had a long career in Hollywood, but found broad fame as the star of ABC’s Fantasy Island in which he fulfilled the dreams of his guests with the help of his sidekick, Tattoo

I Get Mail: WHAT ABOUT “SEASON (10) TEN?”…

Looks like Bill is about to launch is mission to inflict himself on an unsuspecting ex-X-Files director:

Before, I run half-cocked out to California seeking Kim Manners(One of the Directors of The X Files) I would like to know if such a venture out West to rev-up the former thirteen productions location ? I am not only an unregistered fan bummed out, as thousands happen to be; I am trying to facilitate the energy towards some worthwhile end! Honestly, the epidode invilving the Birth of William holds so much! To think that The Wonderful Actors, Jillian Anderson and David Duchovny, ARE A MUST is nonsense…Lucky for Chris Carter et al. They gave his series a wonderful start; but the plot and the writing skills deserve so much more! Please respond!

Okay, so he’s dropped plans to harass Chris Carter and has switched target to Kim Manners. Who knows why?

He’s an unregistered fan? I don’t even know what that means. He likely should be registered as menace and his whereabouts broadcast so any of his intended victims can get out of his flight path or have warning to release the guard dogs.
Aside from still being unable to deal with the series having ended years ago, he’s obsessed with a rather lame subplot and wishes to carry it on under his own steam without the show’s two main stars. Somehow he seems to have missed a major clue here. The show worked due the chemistry of Anderson and Duchovny and the brilliant writing and directing of a small core of talented people.

Bill is under the impression that he can set all that aside all of the things that made the show work so well, throw together his own screenplay and hand it to a director who will likely see him escorted off the premises if he manages to get close enough to had it over.

I’d be quite happy if somebody could round up Bill with a butterfly net and get him back on his meds, because I do not get why he insists on getting my approval for his delusions.

Popeye the Sailor Copyright Free 70 years After Elzie Segar’s Death

I yam what I yam, declared Popeye. And just what that is is likely to become less clear as the copyright expires on the character who generates about £1.5 billion in annual sales. From 1 January, the iconic sailor falls into the public domain in Britain under an EU law that restricts the rights of authors to 70 years after their death. Elzie Segar, the Illinois artist who created Popeye, his love interest Olive Oyl and nemesis Bluto, died in 1938

Matt Smith Takes Over from David Tennant

Matt Smith has been named as the actor who will take over from David Tennant in Doctor Who — making him the youngest actor to take on the role. At 26, Smith is three years younger than Peter Davison when he signed up to play the fifth Doctor in 1981. Smith will first appear on TV screens as the 11th Doctor in 2010