How-To: Cuddly Felt Bantha

Our pal, Bonnie Burton, over at proves that banthas can be quite cuddly with this fun felt plush bantha project.

Every Tusken Raider needs a trusty bantha to ride around Tatooine. These elephant-sized creatures with long ram-like horns first showed up in A New Hope. It’s easy to make your own cuddly bantha with some felt, stuffing, thread and a lot of love.

— via CRAFT

Police: Wisconsin man shoots TV after Palin dance

Prosecutors say a rural Wisconsin man blasted his TV with a shotgun after watching Bristol Palin’s Dancing with the Stars routine, sparking an all-night standoff with a SWAT team.

According to court documents, 67-year-old Steven Cowan became enraged while watching Palin dance on Monday evening. He felt Palin was not a good dancer — via

How-To: Knit Mike Nesmith of The Monkees Hat

I was a huge Monkees fan when I was a kid, thanks mostly to MTV running weekend-long Monkee marathons back in the early 80s. (which, by the way, I recorded every episode on Betamax tapes) A few weeks ago, I needed a Monkees fix, so I downloaded a best-of album and enjoyed jamming out to their music while I worked. I also thought it would be fun to find a pattern for a Mike Nesmith-style knit green hat, but didn’t have any luck turning something up. Just yesterday, Lisa of Polka Dot Cottage posted a pattern she used to make a few Mike Nesmith-style hats for some friends. Last year, she created the hat for her son. She tweaked her choice of yarn just a bit and shares how she’s updated the project. Now if only I could knit… — via CRAFT

On Edge by Frazer Lee

This film is guaranteed to set your teeth On Edge. Stroppy businessman Peter Thurlow (Charley Boorman) goes to a dentist’s without an appointment and is forced to wait. Fed up of waiting, Thurlow wanders off, only to meet the enigmatic Doctor Matthews (Doug Bradley – Pinhead from Hellraiser). Thurlow gets much more than he bargained for in the dental surgery…Awarded Best Horror Short 1st Place at Dragon*Con USA 2009.”This guy is a great director – he knows how to do it guys!” (TOBE HOOPER, director of Texas Chainsaw Massacre) — via YouTube

Court date for INXS over stolen website design allegations

An internet executive is suing the rock band INXS for $2.8 million, alleging the group stole his design for a lucrative INXS website aimed at connecting fans with big retail brands.

Robert Manning says he and a business partner, Stephen Allende, came up with the idea in 2003 and pitched it to the band and its long-term manager, David Edwards.

He says Mr Edwards and the band liked the concept and told them to keep working on the website that promoted big brands to fans and allowed them to download songs, ringtones and video music clips — via