Corporate phantoms

The Bivings Group, a PR company contracted to Monsanto, invented fake citizens to post messages on internet listservers. These phantoms had launched a campaign to force Nature magazine to retract a paper it had published, alleging that native corn in Mexico had been contaminated with GM pollen

Microsoft fined for piracy last year

Microsoft was convicted of software piracy by a French court last year. The company was fined three million francs in damages and interest for violation of intellectual property because of the illegal inclusion of another company’s proprietary source code in SoftImage 3D, an animation package

World Wrestling Federation Entertainment Drops The ‘F’

World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc dropped its name on Monday and put down the famous logo. The new name will be World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE. The company said that the change was due in part to a losing battle with the World Wildlife Fund over the use of the initials and it more firmly entrenches the entertainment as violent theatre versus actual sport

Nike Can’t Just Say It, Court Rules

Corporations can be found liable for deceptive advertising if they make misleading public statements about their operations and conduct. In its 4-3 decision, the California Supreme Court said Nike and other corporations are not protected by the First Amendment when they present as fact statements about their labour policies or company operations in advertisements, press releases, letters to the editor or public statements

Firms pushed to disclose their impact on society

A coalition of governments, businesses and public interest groups last week launched a global campaign to encourage companies to issue public reports on their impact on society and the environment. The Global Reporting Initiative is aimed at elevating such non-financial reporting to the same level as the reports that public companies around the world periodically issue on their financial health