The Diamond Makers

In American and Russian laboratories, millions of years of immense pressure and heat are being telescoped into just a few minutes to produce synthetic diamonds that even expert dealers can’t distinguish from the real thing. The only difference is the price… man-made diamonds could sell for less than $100 a gem. And that is disastrous news for De Beers, whose $9 billion a year monopoly on the diamond trade keeps prices sky high

Music body presses antipiracy case

In what may become a new legal front in its war against online copying, the Recording Industry Association of America has asked a federal court for help in tracing an alleged peer-to-peer pirate. And in recent weeks, scads of so-called spoof files — repetitive loops or snippets filled with crackle and hiss — have been anonymously posted to the hugely popular sites where music fans illegally trade songs online, a tactic fully endorsed by the RIAA

Doctoring the Spin

In Australia, pharmaceutical companies are barred from advertising drugs directly to the public. But they don’t need to. The media does the job for them. The recipe is simple. All the companies have to do is use phrases such as independent study and medical breakthrough, and journalists queue up to be manipulated. Then take an expert to talk up the product, add a victim who needs it, stir in some research findings commissioned by the drug company, and you have an advertisement dressed up as a legitimate news story