Mall Defends its Photons from Terrorists

A Melbourne shopping centre and tourist attraction have banned photographs, in order to prevent terrorism. Because all terrorism begins with the devilish capture of precious photons. Once these photons have been taken away to the terrorists’ spider caves, they are converted into terrorist photons and re-released at the speed of light to attack their targets with relatavistic savageness — via Boing Boing

RIAA Will Drop Cases If You Point Out That an IP Address Isn’t a Person

For years, the RIAA has claimed that having the IP address of a computer that has shared unauthorised files is the equivalent of having the evidence of who was actually sharing files. That, of course, is false. The IP address simply can help you know who paid for the internet access, but not who was using what computer on a network

Publisher in £80,000 Font Raid

A publishing firm fell foul of the law by using unlicensed typefaces worth £80,000, according to licensing lobby group the Business Software Alliance (BSA). The publishing firm had claimed to be using just one font but in fact was found using 11,000. The publisher was the subject of a BSA enquiry after an ex-employee tip-off, said the BSA, which is funded by software companies

Inside Apple’s iPod Sweatshops

Apple’s iPods are made by mainly female workers who earn as little as £27 per month, according to a report in the Mail on Sunday. The report claims Longhua’s workers live in dormitories that house 100 people, and that visitors from the outside world are not permitted. Workers toil for 15-hours a day to make the iconic music player and the iPod nano is made in a five-storey factory (E3) that is secured by police officers. Apple is currently investigating the sweatshop allegations. [Update: Apple has published their findings]

Ikea Ghurkas

Shoppers in the British city of Nottingham are being kept in line by a team of former Ghurkas hired to patrol Ikea. Since the team took over three weeks ago, not a single crime has been reported — via SBS News