PayPal Mandatory, Says eBay Australia

eBay is using Australia as a guinea pig to trial a new policy where all other modes of payment are barred except its own transaction gateway, PayPal. Direct deposits, personal cheques and money orders will no longer be payment options from 17 June. This is the first time these restrictions will be imposed by eBay anywhere in the world and could be enforced in other markets in the future

Scientology Given Direct Access To eBay Database

The Church of Scientology can delete auctions from eBay with no supervision under the VeRO program, and has used this to delete all resale of the e-meters Scientologists use. This is to stop members from buying used units from ex-members instead of buying from the official (and very expensive) source. Given Scientology’s record of fraud and abuse, should eBay give them this level of trust? Will this set a precedent for other companies that want to stop the aftermarket resale of their products? — via Slashdot

Google and Facebook Join

The DataPortability Workgroup announced this morning that representatives from both Google and Facebook are joining its ranks. The group is working on a variety of projects to foster an era of Data Portability — where users can take their data from the web sites they use to reuse elsewhere and where vendors can leverage safe cross-site data exchange for a whole new level of innovation. Good bye customer lock-in, hello to new privacy challenges. If things go right, today could be a very important day in the history of the internet

Google to Kill Domain Tasting

A confidential informant says Google will stop monetising all domains if they are less then five days old. This potential new policy change by Google could stop all Domain Tasting in its tracks. The Add Grace Period (AGP) is a time period when registrars can delete a domain at no cost, but in this time frame a registrant could register millions of these temporary domains and place Google Adsense for Domains on them. The result is the ability to produce millions of temporary websites that literally generate millions of dollars in income per week for Google

Yahoo Opens Mobile Web Platform

After losing some of its lustre on the personal computer, embattled Internet icon Yahoo is hoping to outshine Google and other rivals on the mobile phone. Yahoo has opened its mobile platform so outside programmers can develop new applications for Yahoo pages accessed on mobile handsets. Yahoo hopes the mini-applications, known as widgets, will help attract more on-the-go users, which will bring the company more money from advertising