How to Get a Mac When You’re Surrounded by Windows

1. Rob bank
2. Buy mac

Or you can just rob a mac store up to you.

Or you can read on to see what I did.

I prefer macs. I’m a designer/illustrator, who can code without Dreamweaver. I’m an odd breed (job hunting and high school taught me that). I rarely use office apps, I spend my working days in Photoshop and/or Illustrator and/or Flash with a text editor, some browsers and an FTP app. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna throw a tanty and demand a Mac, I’ve worked at companies with Windows machines, but I prefer the company of macs.

As a web-based software-ish travel company, the office is of course mainly Windows boxes except for the developers and some of our production team with Linux, I think there’s some Sun servers etc. The office is very anti-mac, so getting me a mac was looking impossible. We’ve got an OLD iMac for testing, but it’s hardly a design machine.

One of the previous designers, (now a project manager), used to use a mac at work, but was replaced with a windows machine for cost reasons I think. This too was indeed a strike against me getting a mac. It was looking pretty bleak, until we employed a technical documentation guy, Vergil. He and his 12 inch Powerbook G4 have been a here about 8 months and this seems to have added more credibility to the mac in the eyes of the office.

I casually said that I would like a mac at an office challenges day, (meetings where we got to make suggestions to improve working conditions and processes). This seemed to have sown the seed in our finance guy’s head.

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