Bloggers Beware

This is reasonably fucked.

Did you read the article? If not basically this guy got sacked by Microsoft because of this blog entry entitled Even Microsoft wants G5s. The article contains a happy snap of some G5s being unloaded from a truck. That’s right, just some computer boxes in a truck, no people, no MS references in sight, accompanied by some text about someone getting new toys at Microsoft. Microsoft didn’t like this, or the offer to remove the post and gave him the boot.
I think this quote says it all really:

Good. That means that as it’s your site on your own server, you have the right to say anything you want. Unfortunately, Microsoft has the right to decide that because of what you said, you’re no longer welcome on the Microsoft campus.

Yes indeed, bloggers beware especially if you work for Microsoft or Macrosuck.

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One Comment

  1. Red Wolf

    31 October 2003 at 9.19 am

    The epitome of we own your arse. Big brother is watching and his name is Bill Gates


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