Port This!

I’ve decided to terminate my mobile phone service with Telstra because I can’t get decent reception any where near my house with them. The only service I know that works very well in my area is Optus, so I thought, okay, I’ll swap and take ye olde number with me because I can actually remember it now and don’t think I can handle a different one.

You can see where this is going can’t you?

I was in the Optus stop on Saturday afternoon, the servers they were trying to set up my account through went “AAAARRGGGGH!!!!” and took forever. Finally all went through, and was told all would be working on new phone with old number in 2 hours. It has now been almost a week. Apparently there have been some problems with the info that was submitted to set up my account. Then after many unnecessary phone callls to the Optus shop and the customer service center, later found out that they’re having technical problems porting my number.


The saga continues…

Community Service Announcement: If you’ve got serious issues with your phone service provider that you have been unable to resolve, it would be well worth your while to have a chat to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

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  1. Red Wolf

    5 September 2003 at 5.07 pm

    Optus shops suck, their mobile customer service is pretty good though. When I swapped from Optus to Vodafone I was told there would be a 24 hour delay and they suggested using my old SIM until the number got ported. Soon as my old SIM stopped showing a provider, the port was done. Telstra aren’t known for cooperating, so it’s probably them holding up the works


  2. lucie

    12 September 2003 at 11.56 am

    Woo Hoo! Number ported everything ok. The Siemens S55 is a weird phone, but it’s not a nokia thank god! Now I just need to get a polyphonic ringtone of the Harry Potter theme song and I’m set.


  3. Red Wolf

    12 September 2003 at 4.10 pm

    My sister and mother went for Siemens mobiles, the company could do with following Nokia’s example of a user friendly GUI, but at least they’re more reliable. I’m considering going for a Sony when my Nokia gives up the ghost


  4. lucie

    23 December 2003 at 6.55 pm

    The last 2 bills I received from Optus were still in my mothers name, yes 2 months after I got an sms from Optsucks saying that my “change of ownership has been actioned”. A phone call to the billing dept. later revealed that all the info was there just not processed or something, and that I would receive a phone call within 2 days when it would all be magically done. Guess fucking what, a week later and I’m still waiting for my phone call.


  5. Chris

    2 April 2004 at 8.34 pm

    Ok, i got a BIG problem with optus. Now, imagine this, you are a prepaid customer and think “oohh, of course optus wants the best deal for me…” whatever. I’m not paying 37c/30sec PLUS a 20c Flagfall?!? What am I?
    I just switched to AAPT and they got no flagfall at their prepaid service, 49c A MINUTE (Optus being 74!!!!!), charging per second NOT per 30 seconds.
    That’s pretty good. International calls are cheaper too and only got a 20c Flagfall instead of 36 or 30c on Optus.
    Only problem was porting my number. For some strange reason their network had an outage, making this whole procedure a little annoying, but other than that I’m VERY happy with AAPT.
    Their website gives me more information (gotta admit, OPTUS is the worst site i’ve seen and if you try to find something… specific… forget it). The service representatives at AAPT are very friendly too (not saying that optus wasn’t).
    But the thing that OPTUS and AAPT have in common: They are still better than TELSTRA.
    cheers yall


  6. jillzuz

    31 July 2005 at 12.37 pm

    i was with optus once on a plan and i thought o ok wat da hell this sounds good… next thin i know im being charged 800 dolla just becuz mi fone wasnt locked in my bag!


  7. ryan

    23 January 2006 at 2.07 pm

    I’m trying to port my number from optus across to vodaphone and the optus porting service is down so i have to stick with bloody optus i have no credit and want my VODA CAP PLAN NOW!!!!


  8. austin Webb

    2 August 2006 at 5.32 pm

    fuckin optus, dont get me started, finally told them to jam it with their push to talk and ( ongoing issues withtheir repairers), i finally told them to cancell the contrat, or i would plaster my trailer with not nice things…. they came around when i sent them a phot of the sign i was goint to attach, and i drive the country weekly,


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