Gary McKinnon extradition to US blocked by Theresa May

British computer hacker Gary McKinnon will not be extradited to the US, Home Secretary Theresa May has announced.

Mr McKinnon, 46, who admits accessing US government computers but claims he was looking for evidence of UFOs, has been fighting extradition since 2002.

The home secretary told MPs there was no doubt Mr McKinnon was seriously ill and the extradition warrant against him should be withdrawn.

Mrs May said the sole issue she had to consider was his human rights.

She said it was now for the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, to decide whether he should face trial in the UK — via

Snooper’s Charter: 19,000 Emails Against, 0 In Favour

Back in August, I urged people to respond to the consultation on the truly dreadful Draft Communications Bill, aka Snooper’s Charter. Obviously, I wasn’t alone in doing that: many organisations concerned about the impact on civil liberties in this country have done the same. For example, both 38 Degrees and Open Rights Group (ORG) provided suggested texts and asked people to contact the Joint Parliamentary Committee that has been considering the Bill – and doing rather a good job of it, I must say.

Out of 19,000 emails received by the Committee on the subject of the proposed Draft Communications Bill, not a single one was in favour of it, or even agreed with its premise. Has there ever been a bill so universally rejected by the public in a consultation? Clearly, it must be thrown out completely — via

Abbott guilty of sexism: Milne

Greens leader Christine Milne has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of being a hyper-masculine perpetrator of sexism in Parliament, even though she says he doesn’t realise it half the time.

Senator Milne told The National Times that all female parliamentarians experience sexism, including Prime Minister Julia Gillard and herself: That’s the reality.

She said Mr Abbott specifically was part of the problem, along with people such as shock-jocks, but that his comments were deliberate only some of the time.

Half the time I don’t think he even realises it, she said.

Senator Milne said: He [Mr Abbott] very much epitomises the hyper-masculine style of male politician … and he trades on that.

His attitude to women is very much of the male dominated, male protection, the father looking after the women as very much the secondary players … and no amount of bringing his wife into the public arena is going to change people’s perception of the kinds of remarks he makes — via

Governments Seek Control Of Internet

It is the most important meeting you’ve never heard of — a behind-closed-doors battle for control of the internet that one of the web’s founders fears may put government handcuffs on the net.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a United Nations organisation representing 193 countries, is reviewing international agreements governing telecommunications with a view to expanding its regulatory authority over the internet.

The ITU will hold a summit in Dubai in December where member countries will negotiate a treaty (last updated 24 years ago in Melbourne) that sets out regulations on how international voice, data and video traffic is handled — via

Lunch lady slammed for food that is too good

A talented head cook at a school in central Sweden has been told to stop baking fresh bread and to cut back on her wide-ranging veggie buffets because it was unfair that students at other schools didn’t have access to the unusually tasty offerings.

Annika Eriksson, a lunch lady at school in Falun, was told that her cooking is just too good.

Pupils at the school have become accustomed to feasting on newly baked bread and an assortment of 15 vegetables at lunchtime, but now the good times are over.

The municipality has ordered Eriksson to bring it down a notch since other schools do not receive the same calibre of food — and that is unfair.

Moreover, the food on offer at the school doesn’t comply with the directives of a local healthy diet scheme which was initiated in 2011, according to the municipality — via

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories

A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as lies straight from the pit of hell.

Paul Broun, who is running for re-election as Georgia representative this November unopposed by Democrats, made the comments during a speech at a baptist church last month. A videoclip of the event was posted on YouTube on Friday — via

Japan introduces piracy penalties for illegal downloads

Japan-based internet users who download copyright infringing files face up to two years in prison or fines of up to two million yen ($25,700; £15,900) after a change to the law.

Such activity has been illegal since 2010, but until now had not invoked the penalties.

It follows a lobbying campaign by country’s music industry.

But critics said that efforts should have remained focused on stopping users making such material available.

In Japan illegal uploads of copyright infringing music and videos carry a maximum 10 year prison sentence and a 10 million yen fine.

Sales figures suggest the country is the world’s second-largest music market after the US — via

California governor bans gay conversion therapy

Therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state’s governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts to the dustbin of quackery.

The legislation — which the state Senate passed in May, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law this weekend and will take effect 1 January — prohibits attempts to change the sexual orientation of patients under age 18.

This bill bans non-scientific therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide, Brown tweeted. These practices have no basis in science or medicine — via

Former Copyright Boss: New Technology Should Be Presumed Illegal Until Congress Says Otherwise

One of the reasons why we live in such an innovative society is that we’ve (for the most part) enabled a permissionless innovation society — one in which innovators no longer have to go through gatekeepers in order to bring innovation to market. his is a hugely valuable thing, and it’s why we get concerned about laws that further extend permission culture. However, according to the former Register of Copyrights, Ralph Oman, under copyright law, any new technology should have to apply to Congress for approval and a review to make sure they don’t upset the apple cart of copyright, before they’re allowed to exist. I’m not joking. Mr Oman, who was the Register of Copyright from 1985 to 1993 and was heavily involved in a variety of copyright issues, has filed an amicus brief in the Aereo case (pdf).

As you hopefully recall, Aereo is the online TV service, backed by Barry Diller, that sets you up with your very own physical TV antenna on a rooftop in Brooklyn, connected to a device that will then stream to you online what that antenna picks up. This ridiculously convoluted setup is an attempt to route around the ridiculous setup of today’s copyright law — something that Oman was intimately involved in creating with the 1976 Copyright Act. The TV networks sued Aereo, but were unable to get an injunction blocking the service. Oman’s amicus brief seeks to have that ruling overturned, and argues that an injunction is proper.

But he goes much further than that in his argument, even to the point of claiming that with the 1976 Copyright Act, Congress specifically intended new technologies to first apply to Congress for permission, before releasing new products on the market that might upset existing business models — via

Police barter data retention against Australians’ privacy

When Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Tony Negus told a parliamentary hearing yesterday that he would ideally like telecommunications customer data kept indefinitely, it was clear that he was engaged in bargaining with the government.

We would like to have it indefinitely, and if we had [our way], we would definitely like to see this held indefinitely, and then we can go back and reconstruct issues or crime scene events that happened many, many years ago. But we understand that is not practical in the context of costs associated with that, he told the committee.

He revealed that the AFP and other law enforcement agencies had asked the Attorney-General’s Department to keep so-called telecommunications metadata for longer — between five and seven years — but the department said that two years was more appropriate, given the privacy concerns and costs associated with implementing the changes. When the government released its discussion paper on the telecommunications reform proposals earlier this year, the backlash to even two years was strong.

Since then, telecommunications companies have flagged that — based on the European experience with data retention — six months is a more appropriate length of time to retain the data — via

File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal

Hoping to curb the ever-increasing piracy figures in Portugal, local anti-piracy outfit ACAPOR reported the IP-addresses of 2,000 alleged file-sharers to the Attorney General last year. This week the Portuguese prosecutor came back with a ruling and decided not to go after the individuals connected to the IP-addresses. According to the prosecutor it is not against the law to share copyrighted works for personal use, and an IP-address is not enough evidence to identify a person — via TorrentFreak

Law change for violent criminals condemned

Lawyers say a NSW government proposal to keep violent prisoners who show no signs of rehabilitation in jail beyond their imposed sentence is flawed and threatens to undermine the justice system.

The NSW Law Society says it has serious concerns about the legislation announced yesterday by the Attorney-General, Greg Smith, who said the changes were about protecting the community from the worst of the worst.

The changes, modelled on existing legislation for serious sex offenders, will allow the state to apply to the Supreme Court to have a violent prisoner kept in jail or placed under extended supervision upon their release. This can include the use of GPS tracking devices on released offenders.

The proposed laws follow a Sentencing Council report that said the government should introduce a continuing detention and extended supervision scheme for high-risk violent offenders — via

NZ spooks acted unlawfully in Megaupload wiretap

New Zealand authorities have informed the nation’s High Court that individuals at the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) acted unlawfully while assisting the Police to locate certain individuals subject to arrest warrantsin the case of Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload service.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key issued a statement saying, in part, that “The Bureau had acquired communications in some instances without statutory authority.” That information is said to have led to the arrests of some involved in the case.

Key has also announced an inquiry into the GCSB’s role. The statement says the inquiry will be conducted by New Zealand’s Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Paul Neazor, whose role is spelled out here — via

Bernardi resigns after bestiality comment

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has resigned as Tony Abbott’s parliamentary secretary amid a fierce backlash over comments he made linking gay marriage to sex with animals.

During a Senate debate last night Senator Bernardi said the push for same sex marriage was coming from radicals who were determined to overturn the social fabric of Australian society.

And he questioned where the campaign would end, if society was prepared to redefine marriage based on the latest criterion that it should be allowed irrespective of gender.

The next step, quite frankly, is having three people or four people that love each other being able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society — or any other type of relationship, Senator Bernardi said.

There are even some creepy people out there… [who] say it is okay to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals.

Will that be a future step? In the future will we say, ‘These two creatures love each other and maybe they should be able to be joined in a union?’

I think that these things are the next step.

Speaking on ABC Radio this morning, Senator Bernardi was not backing down from his comments — via

Department of Work and Pensions UK in Possession of 16.9 Million Unused IPv4 Addresses

The Department of Work and Pensions, UK has an entire block of /8 IPv4 addresses that is unused and an e-petition has been filed in this regards asking the DWP to sell it off thus easing off the RIPE IPv4 address space scarcity a little.

John Graham-Cumming, who found this unused block, wrote in a blog post that the DWP was in possession of IPv4 addresses. According to Cumming, these 16.9 million IP addresses are unused at the moment and he derived this conclusion by doing a check in the ASN database. A check of the ASN database will show that there are no networks for that block of addresses, he wrote — via

Adoptees will no longer pay to see their records

The state government will waive fees for parents and adopted children to access their personal records as it prepares to give an apology for the state’s role in the unlawful and unethical removal of children in thousands of forced adoptions.

Hundreds of women forced to give up their children and adoptees have registered to be in Parliament on Thursday when the Premier, Barry O’Farrell, makes a public apology for the removal of newborn babies from mostly young, single mothers during the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s. A parliamentary inquiry in 2000 found the practices were not just unethical but also often illegal according to the laws of the time.

The Minister for Community Services, Pru Goward, said the government would waive the $135 fee from the Department of Community Services associated with accessing personal files. It would also increase funding to the Post Adoption Resource Centre– via

What’s Wrong With Australian Political Debate?

Well, didn’t Malcolm Turnbull hit the nail right on the head with his description of the deficit of trust in Australian politics.

Not just because he because he was interpreted as having taken a swipe — multiple swipes, actually — at the man who supplanted him as leader of the federal Opposition. The media reports left the clear impression that when Turnbull said “trust deficit” he actually meant Tony Abbott.

Actually, what he was criticising was something broader. It was the devolution of the whole political process. It was a very thought-provoking speech.

But, here’s the interesting thing. The examples he cited to show the lack of civility and honesty in political discourse overwhelmingly related to the behaviour of the political right.

Let’s get the Abbott stuff out of the way first, because the immediate focus of reportage of Turnbull’s September 5 George Winterton lecture at the University of Western Australia was, of course, how his words reflected the tension between the man the Liberal Party wants to lead it — Abbott — and the man most Australians want to lead it, Turnbull.

And that was fair enough. As evidence of the degradation of political debate in this country, Turnbull cited several examples clearly implicating Abbott — via

Gillard pulls out of Christian Lobby speech in gay marriage row

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has pulled out of a speech at the Australian Christian Lobby’s national conference, after its managing director compared the health effects of smoking to homosexuality.

Ms Gillard said Jim Wallace’s comments were heartless and wrong and it would be inappropriate for her to attend the conference next month.

Mr Wallace made the remarks in Tasmania yesterday during a debate with Greens leader Christine Milne on the merits of same-sex marriage.

I think we’re going to owe smokers a big apology when the homosexual community’s own statistics for its health — which it presents when it wants more money for health — are that it has higher rates of drug-taking, of suicide, it has the life of a male reduced by up to 20 years, he told the audience.

The life of smokers is reduced by something like seven to 10 years and yet we tell all our kids at school they shouldn’t smoke.

This morning, he accused gay activists of misrepresenting his comments.

I was not comparing homosexuality with smoking at all, Mr Wallace said in a statement — via

Indian woman’s 24-year fight to prove she is alive

This is the story of an Indian woman who married at the age of 12, became a mother at 19, was deserted by her husband at 23 and was declared dead at the age of 40.

Asharfi Devi, now 64, fought a 24-year-long battle to prove that she was alive and her efforts paid off finally in May 2012 when a village council court ruled that she was indeed alive — via

IPA damns ‘extraordinary’ data retention policy

One of Australia’s most prominent conservative and free market-focused think tanks has published a strongly worded critique damning the Federal Government’s planned telecommunications surveillance and data retention reform package as excessive and systematically breaching Australians’ right to privacy.

The Institute of Public Affairs is an independent, non-profit organisation which describes itself as supporting the traditional ideals of liberalism, being the free flow of ideas, free markets and capital flows, small government, representative democracy and so on. It is usually referred to by commentators as being associated with the conservative side of politics in Australia, but also often espouses more traditional liberal ideals which neither major side of Australian politics openly supports.

The Federal Attorney-General’s Department is currently promulgating a package of reforms which would see a number of wide-ranging changes made to make it easier for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor what Australians are doing on the Internet. For example, one new power is a data retention protocol which would require ISPs to retain data on their customers’ Internet and telephone activities for up to two years, and changes which would empower agencies to source data on users’ activities on social networking sites — via