Media authority to investigate complaint about Jones comment

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is investigating a complaint about alleged inaccuracies in statements on climate change by broadcaster Alan Jones.

GetUp! had made a complaint, which it believed was not being pursued by the broadcasting regulator, but Fairfax Media has learned ACMA is investigating the GetUp! complaint, and some others, concerning Mr Jones.

If the complaint is upheld, Mr Jones may be asked to acknowledge the statement was wrong and promise not to repeat it — via

Hotfile to Sue Warner Bros For Abusing Its Anti-Piracy Tool

The Florida-based file-hosting service Hotfile intends to file a lawsuit against Warner Bros for abusing its anti-piracy tool. Hotfile claims that Warner Bros deleted files from the file-hosting service to which it didn’t hold the copyrights. In addition, the movie studio allegedly deleted files from Hotfile without verifying the contents — via

2011 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest

The winner of the 2011 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest is Sue Fondrie, an associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh who works groan-inducing wordplay into her teaching and administrative duties whenever possible. Out of school, she introduces two members of the next generation to the mysteries of Star Trek, Star Wars, and — of course — the art of the bad pun.

Professor Fondrie is the 29th grand prize winner of the contest that that began at San Jose State University in 1982. The contest challenges entrants to compose bad opening sentences to imaginary novels takes its name from the Victorian novelist Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, who began his Paul Clifford with It was a dark and stormy night.

At 26 words, Professor Fondrie’s submission is the shortest grand prize winner in Contest history, proving that bad writing need not be prolix, or even very wordy.

Cheryl’s mind turned like the vanes of a wind-powered turbine, chopping her sparrow-like thoughts into bloody pieces that fell onto a growing pile of forgotten memories.

Sue Fondrie, Oshkosh, WI — via

Amazing Crochet Salacious Crumb / Allison

Star Wars fans will have no trouble recognizing this character crocheted by Alison of Crafty is Cool. Salacious Crumb was Jabba the Hutt’s … sidekick? Court Jester? Pet? He’s one of those so-ugly-he’s-cute characters, and Allison’s stitches capture him perfectly. He almost looks life-sized, and he’s even posable. Amazing. He’s headed off to Florida for the Bear and Bird Gallery’s Stitch Wars Strikes Back show — via CRAFT

Hahn Super Dry / Publicis Mojo

The winner of Mumbrella’s TV Ad of the Month contest is Publicis Mojo’s Knight Rider-themed ad for Hahn Super Dry.

The ad of the month for June is the first work by the agency for the beer brand and was shot by Emmy award-winning director Tom Kuntz, the man behind Old Spice’s The Man Your Man Could Smell Like — via Mumbrella

How to Undress a Victorian Lady in Your Next Historical Romance

Deeanne Gist stood in a packed hotel conference room wearing nothing but her underwear.

For most people, giving a presentation in skivvies to 100 professional peers sounds like a bad dream. But Ms Gist was giving a workshop on Victorian clothing at the Romance Writers of America’s annual convention this summer. The romance novelists had gathered in New York to learn how to dress—and undress—heroines in their novels.

It took an hour for Ms Gist to squeeze into a dozen layers that a lady would have worn in the 1860s—stockings, garters, bloomers, chemise, corset, crinoline or hoop skirt, petticoats, a shirtwaist or blouse, skirt, vest and bolero jacket. By the end, workshop attendees were sceptical that seductions ever occurred, with so many sartorial barriers — via

Knit TARDIS Socks Pattern / Anna Richardson

These awesome TARDIS socks from Anna Richardson on Ravelry are sleek and cool and a subtle way to show your Dr Who devotion.

Inspired by Dr Who, these knee-high socks are from another Time and Dimension entirely. Featuring a cable and TARDIS pattern with expanded calf with the initials DW worked in, these socks are constructed toe-up using easy to follow charts with additional written instructions

Nice! — via CRAFT