Network computer maker Sun Microsystems is suing software giant Microsoft for anti-competitive behaviour. The company said on Friday that it is seeking more than $1bn in damages from Microsoft for making its Windows XP operating system incompatible with Sun’s Java programming language
Despite facing massive user criticism over claims that it’s product quality is sub-par, Nokia Australia has confirmed that prices for its mobile handset prices are likely to rise this year
Telstra came under fire on two fronts yesterday as it moved to shut down a budget e-mail service and charge some small businesses up to $126 as part of a White Pages directory revamping
Electronic security experts have warned that businesses are failing to protect credit card details, putting customers and finance providers in danger of fraud
Fears are growing once more that companies operating on the internet may not be equipped to ward off electronic sabotage after anonymous hackers forced a small British firm out of business
Telstra has dismissed Federal Opposition claims that it’s secretly planning to outsource its maintenance and services division, shedding up to 10,000 staff in the process, describing the claims as mischievous
The file-swapping heir to the pirate Napster web site, KaZaA, which amassed 30 million followers after Napster was shut down by the courts, has been sold to a Sydney company after being itself threatened with legal action in Europe
Netscape Communications Corporation announced it has filed suit in the United States Federal District Court in the District of Columbia against Microsoft Corporation to seek redress for Microsoft’s anti-competitive conduct against Netscape, a subsidiary of America Online
Data communications company Flowcom said yesterday it had lodged a deposit with the liquidator of Karl Suleman Enterprises, advancing a proposal to take over the Froggy Internet service provider business
AOL Time Warner is in talks to buy Red Hat, a prominent distributor of a computer operating system, an acquisition that would position the media giant to challenge arch-rival Microsoft, according to sources familiar with the matter
Alan Nicklos’s first task when he replaces Tyler McGee as managing director of Nokia Australia early in February will be dealing with the continuing phone-furore that has the NSW Department of Fair Trading investigating the company’s activities
St George Bank may be sacrificing customer security in its aggressive campaign to promote the financial institution’s Internet banking facility. And a security component protecting St George Bank’s business e-banking product has failed, forcing the company to accelerate plans to upgrade its security system
As Silicon Valley’s vultures and sentimentalists gather today to inspect the assets of Be Inc prior to its liquidation auction, Palm has told community site BeUnited that it won’t be licensing the BeOS operating system it acquired from Be to any third party, the online arm of toy retailer Toys R Us, has agreed to pay a US$50,000 fine to settle allegations that it shared customers’ personal information with another firm
Hours after parent TMP Worldwide declined to up its bid for recruitment web site, Yahoo finalised its agreement to buy the job board for approximately US$436 million
In a move that raises corporate branding to new levels, a North American tyre maker is offering $16,000 to people willing to alter their family name and embrace the company’s Dunlop-Tire moniker as their own
KPMG are sending out please explain
or cease and desist
requests to people found linking to their sites
Disgruntled employees have always posed dangers for businesses, but in the information age, that hazard has become far more sinister., a leading Australian e-tailer, learned this the hard way after its systems were violated by a trusted worker
A domain name dispute between a Chinese company and an Australian chemicals giant Orica Ltd is heating up with both sides refusing to compromise. The two-month-old dispute centres on the ownership of, one of the hottest domain names in the chemical industry
The future of high flying ISP Froggy has been placed in doubt after its director’s cash cow, Karl Suleman Enterprises, was placed into voluntary administration last week