Greenpeace are running a contest to come up with a new parody logo for Esso aka Exxon-Mobil
Philip Kaplan, the creator of, is rolling out a new site called On it, readers can sample some of the more than 800 examples of internal business correspondence sent to Mr Kaplan over the last three years by aggrieved employees of various companies
The Recording Industry Association of America’s web site was unreachable over the weekend due to a denial-of-service attack. The apparently deliberate overload rendered the site unavailable for portions of four days and came after the group endorsed legislation to allow copyright holders to disrupt peer-to-peer networks
With last week’s resignation of Chief Operating Officer Robert Pittman, the installation of new top-tier management with deep Time Warner ties, and a restructured corporate hierarchy that reduces a humbled AOL to a unit within a division, AOL Time Warner Inc is being genetically reverse-engineered to bear Time Warner markers
The RIAA has begun pressing for anti-copying technology in future digital radio standards. While enthusiasts of free software disrupted a Commerce Department meeting, insisting on their right to debate the entertainment industry over anti-copying technologies
Telcos have called for the Government not to extend the ACCC’s powers in the telecommunications arena
If your superannuation is with the giant financial multinational ING, don’t complain too loudly about the returns. One Sydney man did, and the company sued him for libel, and silenced him on pain of being put in prison
McDonald’s, the world’s largest restaurant company, lost a legal bid to stop a British-based restauranteur from using the name McChina. Frank Yu Kwan Yuen opened the first McChina restaurant in Wimbledon, south-west London in 1991, under the names McChina Stir Fried and McChina Wok Away
The Mr Floppy Tech Support Forum provides a venue where computer users can discuss common computer problems and receive input and advice from Peter McNally of Mr Floppy Computers, a veteran of over 20 years in the computer manufacture, service and support
In a sign that the internet sector may be nearing the end of its brutal shakeout, the number of shutdowns and bankruptcies by dotcom companies in the first half of this year fell 73% from the same period last year
The supermarket supremos Woolworths and Coles are exerting enormous influence even beyond the farm gate, they have helped drive thousands of fruit and vegetable sellers to the wall and is forcing many farmers to get bigger or get out
Sudden interest in wireless computing could result in two new players, Air Portal and Unwired, taking on SkyNetGlobal in providing internet access to hotels and airport lounges
Ford Motor Company has officially and unconditionally conceded its complete and perpetual loss on the merits of the FORD vs 2600 case
A former South Australian potato farmer is seeking AU$70 million in damages from Coca Cola Amatil (CCA), company, Apend. Dubbed a David and Goliath battle, Riverland farmer Frank Perre took on CCA and won
Providing more proof that the record industry is indeed a oligopoly, two major record companies, Vivendi Universal and Warner Communications, have been convicted of price fixing by the FTC over a recording from 1998 of the Three Tenors
David Kirsch, a University of Maryland professor, needs the disastrous business plans, pointless PowerPoints and tales of failure to create a digital archive of Internet failures
The World Trade Organisation next week is likely to permit the European Union to levy tariffs of at least US$956 million on US exports because of illegal tax breaks given to US exporters such as Microsoft and Boeing
The Australian Consumers Association says the insurance industry has hoodwinked governments and the community into thinking there has been a blow-out in public liability claims
A Washington think tank calling itself the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution is preparing to release a study
warning that the widespread use of open-source software will allow international terrorists to have their way with us. Funny how they’re funded by Microsoft
E-Store has admitted it has a backlog of unfulfilled orders following a rolling succession of lost telecommunications services during its recent move of premises