Fake cop hassles the wrong people in San Miguel County

A man driving a truck with police lights on top made a mistake Wednesday when he decided to make a fake police stop.

The two men he pulled over and accused of speeding on NM 104 in San Miguel County were actually State Police agents travelling in an unmarked truck.

When questioned by the State Police agents, John Shelton, 26, of Logan, who had a pistol on his hip, claimed to be a member of the New Mexico State Police Search and Rescue, an emergency medical tech and a fire fighter, and said he was being trained as a law enforcement officer — none of which would authorise him to make a traffic stop.

The real officers had police business to attend to and initially gave Shelton a warning and let him to. But they quickly determined they should try to find Shelton again and charge him impersonating an officer, according to a State Police spokesman.

When Shelton drove back by the officers, they flagged him down and he was arrested. The agents also determined that none of what Shelton had said about his connections to law enforcement was true.

The State Police are now asking for help in finding anyone else who may have been pulled over by Shelton — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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