PETA Rattles Its Sabres

PETA has to an article I wrote about their killing, an article that has already received nearly a quarter of a million likes, has been shared roughly 85,000 times and has generated 5,000 comments.

I believe the purpose is to intimidate critics into silence. This is not the first time PETA has tried to do so. Many animal lovers who have publicly condemned PETA for their killing have received a letter from the PETA legal department. However, because a lawsuit would, among other things, allow for: subpoenas of PETA employees past and present; information as to where the PETA mobile van picked up animals, who it picked them up from, what they were told, who put them to death, when they were put to death, and where the bodies were discarded; the names of people and groups they’ve acquired animals from and what was said or not said to them; as well as records for all animals taken in and killed; and because a lawsuit would open PETA up to a counter-claim for chilling speech—a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation designed to silence, intimidate, or punish those who use public forums to right some wrong — I believe it is unlikely that PETA would ever follow-through with these threats — via

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