A footwear obsession worth $1m: hedge fund manager sues ex-wife over her 1200 pairs of shoes

Forget the house, the children or even Flopsy the pet rabbit; it’s time to turn your divorce lawyer’s attention to this thorny question: when a marriage fails, who gets custody of the shoes?

No, seriously. It’s all about the heels. Daniel Shak, a US hedge fund manager, is currently suing his ex-wife, Beth, for 35 per cent of her $US1 million collection of footwear (comprising an admittedly gobsmacking 1200 pairs – including 700 Christian Louboutins, with their distinctive red soles), which he claims she kept secret from him during their bitter divorce three years ago.

Mrs Shak, a professional poker player, has responded by asking how he failed to notice that the closet in the master bedroom was crammed from floor to ceiling with shoes. (And also, presumably, how he missed her performances on the channel ShoesTV and in documentaries such as God Save My Shoes, and even failed to notice her new blog, shoesrforever.com) — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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