Bradenton police: Armed robber drops gun, returns to buy it for $40

A 39-year-old man was arrested early Thursday after he tried to rob two men in a motel room, dropping his gun and later returning to buy back his own firearm, Bradenton police said.

At about midnight, Cedrick Mitchell barged into a room at the Royal Motel, 1526 14th Street West. He asked the two men inside for pills.

When they said they had none, Mitchell pulled out a black handgun from his waistband and demanded everything you got, said Bradenton police Capt. Warren Merriman.

The men began to fight. During the scuffle, Mitchell dropped his gun and one of the victims pepper-sprayed him in the face.

Mitchell ran away. But moments later, he was back at the motel room and begged the two men to buy his gun back for $40, Merriman said.

Mitchell was pepper-sprayed in the face again and ran away — via

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