Let them play ball, parents say of school’s ball ban

Jacob Stateski, 6, was crushed when he learned a new rule at his school, Earl Beatty Public School, means he can’t take his soccer ball with him any more to play at recess. Nor can he bring his football. And tennis balls are also forbidden.

He said, ‘Daddy, what am I going to do with all my friends?’ He wanted to change schools, said his father, Chris Stateski.

So now he and his buddies play with a little, tiny, Nerf ball he got from his 3-year-old brother, says Stateski.

The happy days of kicking a ball around at recess ended Monday after students took home a letter advising that henceforth, no child could bring a soccer ball, football, volleyball or even tennis ball to the junior and senior school in the area of Coxwell and Danforth Aves.

The letter stated that there have been a few serious incidents in which staff and students have been hit, or come close to being struck, by flying balls. From now on, only Nerf balls or sponge balls can be brought to school — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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