Making a silicone and ultracal matrix mold

A hard shelled mold with a squishy interior that captures and works well with undercuts. Capture the finest details from any object you wish to replicate with this sturdy mold process. Silicone is USUALLY self-releasing from almost any casting material, from stone to resin to low-temp metal (350 degrees max.) — via Instructables

The Oblong Knot…

The Oblong Knot is a rectangular variation of the Chinese Cloverleaf Knot. I followed the instructions from 'The Complete Book of Decorative Knots' by Geoffrey Budworth, using some olive drab paracord to tie the knot — via Stormdrane

Crocheted Produce Bag

Well, I thought since the produce bag was something I just made up real quick I should post the pattern. I am sure there are way better ones out there, but most of them end up decreasing at the end to get a smaller opening, but I wanted mine large so leafy stuff that I buy in multiple little bunches could poke out, like baby broccoli or bok choy. So here is the pattern, just in case you want to make a couple as well — via Oh the Cuteness!

Free ‘Aurelius’ Website Template

We have a free static website template to give away today, built by Matt Corner. This theme is called “Aurelius,” and hosts a variety of nice features. If you happen to be in need of a starting point for your next website, feel free to use this one how you wish — Nettuts+

Handcrafted Celtic Torcs & Viking Neck Rings

Neck Rings and Torcs are worn as loose rings riding on the collar bone. Torcs with terminals are worn with the terminals facing forward. Arm Torcs were worn on the upper arm above the elbow, with the Terminals facing out. Our Torcs and Neck Rings have some spring to them, which makes them easier to put on and take off. However, Torcs or Neck Rings should not be bent back and forth — via Urweg

Use Office 2010 to map a local drive letter to your free 25GB Live SkyDrive

Live SkyDrive is an awesome service. 25GB of web storage for free? Yeah, that sounds good to me. Sure, the 50MB per file limit is a little bit of a downside but it's still a great place to store documents, music, and photos. Heck, if you tell an app like 7zip to chunk big files up into 50MB pieces you can store whatever the heck you want. If only there was a way to access your SkyDrive storage like a local hard drive without an app like Gladinet or SD Explorer…Why, that'd make it like a free Dropbox account x 12.5! As it turns out, there is a way to do that — and it's pretty darn easy to do now that Office 2010 is here. in 10.6.4 pastes screenshots as TIFF

Out of some behind-the-scenes frustration on the TUAW team email list, we seem to have discovered a quirk in Mac OS X 10.6.4. Using the built-in screenshot tools, you can copy a screenshot to the clipboard using Command + Control + Shift + 3 (or 4, for the crosshairs screenshot). From there you can paste into Preview or Mail or any other application which can take images from the clipboard — via The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names

John Graham-Cumming wrote an article today complaining about how a computer system he was working with described his last name as having invalid characters. It of course does not, because anything someone tells you is their name is?—?by definition?—?an appropriate identifier for them. John was understandably vexed about this situation, and he has every right to be, because names are central to our identities, virtually by definition.

Celtic Button Knot

The Celtic button knot looks like the lanyard knot, but is tied with a single working end. I find them useful as a decorative stopper/terminal knot and finishing the ends of lanyard strands. Here’s a short video on tying them, and another link that also shows a sliding version for use with an adjustable necklace/neck lanyard — via Stormdrane

How To Make A Small Dog Harness With Grosgrain Ribbon

The smaller a dog is, the harder it is to find them a harness that will fit them properly. This tutorial will show you how to make a custom fitting small dog harness using grosgrain ribbon. The materials used for this harness are suitable for small dogs weighing 10 pounds and under only! If you want to make this style of harness for a larger dog you must use a sturdier material like nylon webbing — via Instructables