Devious Alarm Clock

Clocky is possibly the world’s ugliest alarm clock, but it is also the most devious. An MIT research lab designed specifically for people who have trouble waking up.

When the alarm clock goes off and the snooze button is pressed, Clocky will roll off the bedside table and wheel away, bumping mindlessly into objects on the floor until it eventually finds a spot to rest. Minutes later, when the alarm sounds again, the sleeper must get up out of bed and search for Clocky. This ensures that the person is fully awake before turning it off. Small wheels that are concealed by Clocky’s shag enable it to move and reposition itself, and an internal processor helps it find a new hiding spot every day.

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One Comment

  1. Lainie

    28 March 2005 at 4.01 pm

    Yes I heard about this over the radio…The problem for me is that the alarm clock needs to be right next to my ear or I just won’t hear it


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