iPod Lost, But Now Found, Praise The Little App Factory

Me ‘n my iPod had a bit of a crisis on Tuesday. Luckily a bit of help from Mat from the The Little App Factory and their glorious app iPodRip 3.7 came to my rescue.

Software update on my mac comes up informing me of a firmware update for June 04 G5’s and an iPod update. I studiously downloaded and installed these and everything seemed hunky dory. I reconnected my beloved iPod and iTunes starts up, only this time I get an unfortunate dialogue box saying something to the effect of the pod is corrupt, reformat it. Huh? I go, the Finder recognises it just fine. I restart hoping it was a lost gremlin in the works. Nope, reformat your pod and lose all your music. NOOOOO!!

You see I haven’t made recent backup of all my music on my pod, and I don’t want to loose about 10GB of music. BING! I had a light bulb moment. I have iPodRip, I can get all the music from pod using that and back up to my hard drive. I launch iPodRip. AARGGHHH!! It unexpectedley quit everytime I launch it.

Hmmm… no, not good. I look at the Apple discussion forums to see if this behaviour has coincided with my updates but couldn’t find anything. I checkout The Little App Factory site. Nope nothing there, well I’ll fill out the support form, you never know. I figure, they’re a small company probably based in the US so I won’t hear anything till tommorrowish. I can wait. 5 mins later I gets email.

How’s that for response time!

After some concise ‘n helpful goings back ‘n forth, Mat sends me a different version of iPodRip that will enable me to back up my music to my hard drive.
Fan-fucking-tastic! Pod has been reformatted and all musiced up.

Any how, iPodRip is essential for pod owners and has been included in Allume System’s The Big Mix also.

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  1. Red Wolf

    25 November 2004 at 11.22 am

    Got to be happy with service like that and, better yet, it worked


  2. Mat

    27 November 2004 at 8.30 pm

    Probably the main reason for the rapid response is that I am based in Sydney. Glad to have helped though and that bug fix will help many iPod owners with corrupted playlists. Thanks!


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