The Office Kitchen Vortex

It has come to my attention that our office kitchen has a hidden vortex. I first noticed this a couple of months ago with my mug mysteriously disappearing, my coffee and green tea levels diminishing quickly and honey also suffering a similar fate.

I have managed to keep these at bay with some ingenious skull and cross bones stickers, or at least they slowed it down. In fact some people confessed to frequently taking some of my supplies and promised to stop.

Okay, I don’t mind if someone uses my stuff occassionally, but it really fucking shits me when I turn up to work in the morning and all my coffee is gone, or there’s only one tea bag to see me through the day.

Today, however, was the last straw. My ingenious tea strainer has vanished. I spent 20 minutes turning up our small office vortex / kitchen, but to no avail. I have sent ’round and office e-mail, and with the aid of my trusty graphics tablet, quickly composed a sketch of my awol tea strainer to accompany said e-mail.

No one has seen my tea strainer, but everyone finds the sketch amusing.


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  1. Red Wolf

    14 July 2004 at 12.15 pm

    Sounds like you need the paranoid locking coffee cup


  2. sbszine

    14 July 2004 at 3.32 pm

    Go on, show us the sketch then.


  3. lucie

    14 July 2004 at 3.46 pm

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