My Life As A Celebrity Scientologist

Harmon Leon decided to check himself into the Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles — a Scientology retreat for the rich and famous. He made sure his friends knew where he was going and when to come and get him.

We go to a fancy, roped-off office on the first floor. There’s a large desk, a book shelf, and a lot of pictures of boats on the wall.

And this is L. Ron Hubbard’s office.

The actual office used by L. Ron Hubbard? This is like being in Jesus’ room.

No. Each Scientology center has an office for L. Ron Hubbard, decorated in a way he would like it.

Oh, so the office was used when he was visiting, ya?

No. He died before this hotel was refurbished.

Someone should mention to this lady that dead guys don’t need offices. Especially an office built for a dead guy after the dead guy is dead.

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One Comment

  1. The Pagan Prattle Online

    8 May 2004 at 10.17 am

    My Life as a Celebrity Scientologist

    United States: Harmon Leon decided to check himself into the Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles — a Scientology retreat for the rich and famous. He made sure his friends knew where he was going and when to come and get him. We go to a fancy, roped-…


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