Adventures at the Vet’s

Husky had a cut on his knee that I noticed last week that was no doubt caused, either directly or indirectly, by Malamute. This is nothing unusual. I grabbed the Betadine and sprayed the wound and that should have been the end of it.

Saturday night I noticed the shadow line in his fur where the cut was had gotten bigger. I had a closer look and it, while the wound had healed, there was a sizeable lump. My first thought is an abscess. So it’s a trip to the vet on Sunday morning.

The pods were well pleased with scoring a bonus car ride and they got to ingratiate themselves to a little girl in the waiting room.

They were fairly well behaved, until the little girl’s dog came out of the vet’s office and my pods decided to vocalise — they don’t really bark, but Huskies and Malamutes do have a surprisingly wide range of vocalisations. The little guy who came out was unfortunate enough to have a flea allergy and had gotten himself a rather tragic rear end shave job. Perhaps my pods were laughing at him. The vet sent Husky into her office, while Malamute went for a walk outside.

Husky was quite happy to investigate the office and more than happy to see the vet. However, he wasn’t too keen on getting his temperature taken and spent the rest of the visit trying to keep his rear end as far from the vet as possible.

It turns out the lump isn’t an abscess, it’s a hot spot, caused by the little bastard (or Malamute) licking the cut until it was inflamed. He now sports a sexy shaved spot on his knee and I get to rub ointment into it three times a day — which he tries to lick off, which is how this all started in the first place.

I was at the counter paying when a guy walks out with two cat boxes. Husky is on alert and starts making yummy faces at the boxed cats. Fortunately he didn’t bark at them and we got out there without an embarrassing incident.

A fun time was had by all.

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One Comment

  1. IrishVampire13

    15 July 2005 at 7.59 am

    Lol, sounds like the dogs had a bit more fun than you did.


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