Wacky Office Pranks

Documentation of an insane office prank involving 2,500 Post-it notes and one mild-mannered victim.

Damon has been playing tricks on me for a few days now. So I came in on the weekend and did some re-decorating in his office. He didn’t see it until Monday morning when he came in and opened his office door.

His office blinds were closed, his door was shut and locked, and I left this post-it in the middle of his door. It says Can you pick up some more post-its, we’re running low.

The pranksters notified Post-it manufacturers 3M, and received three cases of Post-it notes for future decorating.

Another prankster opted for the use of those hideous Marshmallow Peeps. Lots and lots of Marshallow Peeps.

We did mail Just Born, manufacturers of Peeps, but sadly they never got back to us. The peeps wound up staying in the office for about two years, through at least two occupant changes. Even six months after they were up we had people coming by and eating them off the ceiling. Ugh.

Yet another office joker thought covering all available surfaces with eggs would be a hoot:

Brian still doesn’t budge. There’s something you have to see, he says.

I walk over to my desk and see the following: Everyone in R&D is waiting to see my reaction. Unfortunately, I’m still in panic mode about being late. So, I run over to my desk. It is covered in eggs, complete with a live bird in a cage. After a beat, I say, Huh.

Then I turn to Brian and say, Okay, we gotta go.

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