High School Teachers Not Educated On Copyright Or Morality

I received an email from someone in California about some stationary they bought while in Australia a year ago, with some black and white Australian animal sketches that I did apparently. They wanted to know if there was anywhere in California they could get some more of these items.

I was dumbfounded. Huh? Then I cast my mind back to when I was in high school, there was a teacher who asked if I’d do some sketches for him to print out onto stationary and sell at the markets. I was of course going to get a fee, although undecided at the time. I did the sketches but the teacher then informed me he wasn’t going to go ahead with them after all.

At least that’s what he told ME…

This had to be what the Californians were talking about. My name must be on the pieces some where, so they’ve done a web search and come up with my website and email. I replied asking if they could remember where they got them from, “Paddy’s Markets”.

I’m not quite sure what pisses me off more, the fact that I’m being ripped of by a teacher (whose name I can’t remember), or that very shitty artwork can be traced back to me. Like I said, I did these when I was in high school, they’re crap!

If anyone else seems to have purchased any of these items with said artwork could you please email me with info on where you bought them. I’m not going to blow your head off or sue you, hey you didn’t do anything wrong. I just need more info. Maybe even a scan of the actual item so I can see where my name is or something.

Guess where I’m going this Saturday…

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  1. Red Wolf

    10 February 2004 at 3.24 pm

    It may not be the art teacher’s direct fault, although he is definitely the last direct contact with your work.
    There’s a huge problem with arseholes cruising markets and ripping off original work for cheap mass production in some free trade zone hell hole. The scum then have the hide to come back to the market where they ripped you off and sell their knockoffs for a fraction of what it would cost to make it locally. Clothing, craftwork, toys and obviously stationery are all being targetted.
    If you’re heading into the city, do you want some company? I’m after something from the markets


  2. lucie

    10 February 2004 at 4.43 pm

    Oh it was’nt one of the art teachers. My art teachers were cool. It was a geography one I think.
    This guy’s the ONLY way this artwork could’ve been ripped off. Someone else might have ripped it off him again I suppose.
    I REALLY need my name taken off this shit!


  3. dilate

    10 February 2004 at 5.16 pm

    umm…. death threat your old geography teach !! they’re all shifty in 1 way or another. it is kinda cool how this happened though, dont you think? maybe when you’re a big shot heavy-weight designer, they’ll be worth something. you know those lovable things we have a fetish with –
    hmmm? !! [gives the stroke a chinnin’]
    [insert hagis mchagis voice]
    SUE !!
    I SAY – SUE !!
    sorry for the deluded babble – long arduos day at the oriffice.


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