Panthers Only On Safari 1.2

Sigh! Apple, Apple, Apple! What are you doing!

Safari 1.2 has been released, but if you’re not running Panther then you can’t. Yes, yes I know same goes for Safari 1.1, and not a peep was made by me. I don’t know, I was too busy to notice, and was kinda hoping that Apple would rectify this shortly. Then I thought that maybe the 1.1 release were just minor changes to get it to run on Panther, I don’t know, like some porting thing or something. I don’t know, I’m not a geek, I’m a designer. Maybe this is the case for 1.2 also, maybe, maybe not…

Is Apple intentionally doing this to force users to upgrade their OS? Will users keep having to upgrade almost every time there’s a new Safari release, like a certain Microsoft company you might know about will be doing with their browser from now on? (security patches are of course the exception).

Is this not good or am I just whinging? Maybe some answers will turn up here someday.

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  1. Jeanne D'Arc

    5 February 2004 at 5.38 am

    I guess Apple feels that anyone too cheap to upgrade to 10.3 when it represents such a HUGE performance/feature leap over 10.2, just isn’t concious enough to care about a minor Safari point upgrade.


  2. Doug Petrosky

    5 February 2004 at 6.12 am

    I would suspect that the reason for this is has to do with changes in the HTML rendering API’s that exist in Panther and not Jarguar.
    The real message here is if Panther is not good enough as it sits, don’t buy it with the hope that it will get better over time for free (although it has). Once the number of updates and features are enough that it makes sense to drop some more cash, go ahead and do it. Until then, continue to use what you have.
    By doing this you may skip over a whole OS release. The question is will you get $100+ of productivity out of Panther over the next year to year and a half (14 months for Jaguar)? If not sit this one out, and look for ward to 10.4 at the end of this year or the start of next year.


  3. Lucie

    5 February 2004 at 8.59 am

    Right now forking out for Panther is just not on the agenda for me as I’m actually going purchase/rent a brand spanking new mac to replace ye olde indigo clamshell iBook and beige G3 soonish. Yes, I still have a mac before technicolour.
    BUT at work we are now looking at testing and supporting certain sites in Safari. The question now is do we test our sites to function in Safari 1.0 – 1.2, or just whatever the latest OS and browser is and bugger all the other OSX.whatever users?
    One thing I’m going to have to find out is if you can have Safari 1.1 and 1.2 both installed on Panther.


  4. Roger Harris

    5 February 2004 at 3.33 pm

    Safari can easily be replaced by any of the great mozilla browsers. I just tried the new Safari and then went back to Firebird. If Safari was better than other free browsers I could see 10.2 folks getting a bit twisted; Safari is a not better browser.


  5. lucie

    5 February 2004 at 5.01 pm

    No doubt that there are better browsers than Safari, and that the Mozilla family is lovely. Camino has been shown to actually be faster than Safari. But I still expected better from Apple in regards to only releasing it for one OS


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