Optus Are Fucked Because…

1. They took 2 weeks to port my telstra number to their Opt-sucks shit, which I was told would take 3 days max.

2. Their customer service staff on both phone and in store give you the run around. I have only encountered 1 helpful lady and 1 guy who could actually tell me what was going on, although he was still bloody annoying because he kept apologising in that monotone ‘I don’t care’ voice, out of 15 or so phone calls.

3. It is now January 2004. My mum and I submitted the change of ownership forms with 100 points ID in October 2003. It still hasn’t been done even after receiving an sms from Opt-sucks saying that my change of ownership has been actioned on the 14/10/03.

A phone call last month to see what the hell is going on turned up some other guy who said the info was there it needs to be processed, and I’ll email the dept. to do it and we’ll give you a call. Needless to say I received no such call.

Of course amongst all these phone calls, I have to have my mum to give authorisation because the account’s still in her fucking name. I don’t think I need to tell you how annoying that is.

Today’s phone call was more informative, the guy informed me that the account had been separated, but the ownership hadn’t been changed. Would be nice if I was informed properly about this in the sms or previous phone calls. No info had been submitted, I would have to go into an Opt-sucks store. I rang my Opt-sucks store. They told me Robbie was handling it and would chase it up. Robbie had since October to chase it up. What the fuck was Robbie doing? Oh I have a phone call.

It was Robbie he needed to confirm some more ID details and he’ll get back to me when he’s finished chasing it up.

Why am I still with Opt-sucks you ask? Well, they are the only mobile service that gets decent reception when I’m at home, and I would like decent mobile reception when I’m at home because I use this phone for both personal and freelance business calls. I don’t want my clients to have my home number, and I don’t do enough freelance business to warrant getting another phone line.

Stay tuned for more Opt-sucks antics or read about my previous entry: Port This!.
For the purposes of effective google searching (see Red wolf comment): Optus, Optus, Optus, Optus, Optus. Oh and Optus.

Community Service Announcement: If you’ve got serious issues with your phone service provider that you have been unable to resolve, it would be well worth your while to have a chat to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

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  1. Lucie

    15 January 2004 at 10.56 am

    FUCK!! My coffee went cold while I was writting this entry. FUCKING OPT_SUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKSSS!!!!


  2. Lucie

    15 January 2004 at 11.06 am

    Robbie just called. It’s all done apparently and I just recieved another sms form opt-sucks informing me that my change of ownership has been actioned. Let’s see whose name the next bill comes in next month


  3. Red Wolf

    15 January 2004 at 11.34 am

    Probably worth mentioning Optus [that and the title should do it] a couple of times in this article, so anyone Googling it can find it and see how great Optus customer service is. How about creating a poor performance Google bomb?


  4. stormsong

    20 February 2004 at 4.35 pm

    Yr comments on OPTUS SUCKS is based on ignorence. Telstra often delay the porting requets as they get so many a day. Usualy on average it takes an hour or so depending that you have given all the correct info and that telstra is not bogged down with requests. Trust I should know, I have worked for both companies. This is the real world. Get used to it!


  5. lucie

    20 February 2004 at 6.08 pm

    Yes I know Telstra often delays porting, but as the article states, I did submit the right information, the guy in the shop didn’t submit this info properly. Secondly, I was misinformed or given the run around most of the time I rang up customer service, as to what was happening with both the porting and change of ownership sagas. If Telstra had delays, fine. Why could’nt I have been told this?


  6. lucie

    20 February 2004 at 6.12 pm

    BTW I got my bill 2 days ago finally addressed to me. The change of ownership finally went through after 3ish months.


  7. Red Wolf

    20 February 2004 at 8.57 pm

    Aside from a stupid name and an inability to spell, stormsong missed the point entirely. Optus are fucked because the silly bastards have listened to some idiot accountant and either subcontracted their operations out or shunted them to a third party call centre.
    In the short term this represents a cost saving to the company, but in the long run it is an extremely costly solution. Once third parties are involved, they are completely out of your control, but any mistake on their behalf is in your name.
    Anyone who has had anything to do with Optus customer service will understand that the incredibly incompetent third party call centre running the show has cost Optus a lot in good will. People dump Optus because of these idiots, who are a standing joke amongst Optus employees, because the guy answering the phone doesn’t work for Optus and doesn’t care one way or another about Optus customers.
    As messed up as Optus are, they are a well run ship compared to the total balls-up caused by outsourcing at Chubb. No one knows what anyone else is doing, no one passes on jobs or information, jobs are half done, if they are done at all. The whole setup is pathetic and makes Chubb look really bad.
    It won’t be long before the fad of outsourcing comes back to bite these companies in the arse. Rapidly departing customers will soon wipe out any savings made by the decision to outsource. Wankers


  8. sean patullo

    20 February 2005 at 6.46 pm

    OPTUS SUCKS HARDCORE! shitist company in da world! too bad to dont get reception with vodafone, i have been with every fone company in australia….VODAFONE IS THE BEST!


  9. Anonymous Coward

    21 March 2005 at 9.18 pm

    Yes, Opt-arse surely do suck. Do not believe their “Privacy Policy” – I track emails that I give away by “flagging” (ie. tommy_optus@; tommy_companyname@; etc) and I know for a FACT that Opt-arse no sooner had my email address than they were flogging it down the road to the spam crew.
    If I had all the money in the world, I would spend half of it to run Opt-arse out of business, simply for all my time they have wasted over the two years that I was a customer (or, in Opt-arse language, a “sucker”). I am absolutely amazed that they continue to have customers. Just shows that people will buy anything as long as it isn’t Telecom, oops, sorry, I mean Helstra.


  10. Pelicanshit

    24 March 2005 at 10.13 am

    i too have had such joy with OPT@RSE mobile coverage, in my home area .There site maps are total bullshit .They claim the green areas are full coverage , well in my area they should be flooded with BLACK spots , where as you get 1 or 2 bars of signal on a good day then nothing total cell blackout !
    after many site feedback surveys there is still no end result as to a decent coverage tower . the normal reply is things like sarking can affect your signal and the like, this is a fucking joke when you ned to stand on chair OUTSIDE to pick up a decent signal .
    Lift your game OPTARSE you lamearse amateurs !


  11. Patty Chou

    7 May 2005 at 10.28 am

    Optus are fucking wankers coz they gave me a teltra number that wasnt quarantined so we get calls all day for a fish and chip shop. they fucked up our address so we paid 2 connection fees and the call centre can get fucked for their abusive dumbarse staff


  12. Optusucker

    15 May 2005 at 8.07 pm

    Yeah man optus sucks big time… I just finished my contract of 2 years with them and I made sure I switched over on the very day it finished… Fuck those lousy money grabbin pigs!


  13. me confused

    8 June 2005 at 9.56 pm

    I just went online to try and look at an MMS someone sent me but they said I needed a password that was given in the SMS, but there was no bloody password in the SMS!!and then when i said i had forgotten my password they went on to ask me what my old password was..I forgot my fricken password, thats why I want a new one!!!!!!!!fuck it im changing to virgin.


  14. Me

    9 June 2005 at 3.30 pm

    Find me a phone company that doesn’t have problems and customers like the above, and I’ll tell you you’re dead and in Heaven. Corporations like telcos rely on their reps to do their job properly. Unfortunately wherever you go, whether it’s your local fish and chips shop, the government or your telco there will be people who do their job half-arsed. Additional to slack-arsed employees some telcos have really bad infrastructures in place, like telstra used to back in 2001 when I worked for them. Personally I find the Optus mobile division quite good. And I know that there are a lot of people who wont agree, a lot of people who will, but to all I say, I don’t care 🙂


  15. They Will Never Get Me Again

    21 June 2005 at 1.11 pm

    Optus sucks. They have caught the ‘big company’ disease even though they arent even the number 1 aussie telco yet. Their call centres waste your time handballing you to three or four diff staff and each time you have to wait on hold while you hear their stupid ad playing (no wonder they keep you waiting) and each staff member has to have it all explained to them again and again. The worse thing is their staff are insulting and yet can’t seem to even process direct debit payments reliably. And when they botch it up YOU have to chase them to pay them or otherwise some other part of their schizophrenic admin threatens to disconnect you. I have given up trying to organise direct debit with them so I now pay them manually month by month. Needless to say this is fine by me as the day my mobile contract is up I’m leaving them and this only means less hassles. And oh yes, they can kiss goodbye to the two landline accounts that i keep with them. Their internal admin is shit. They have no cetralised control and hence no one is ultimately internally accountable. They will never ever get anymore business from me. OPTUS is SHIT. If you are one of those smug people who thinks ‘it never happened to me, so it must be a problem with you’ then good luck to you in this life cos when the time comes it just means you’ll get suckered worse than the rest of us.


  16. Optus 3rd PARTY

    3 September 2005 at 7.16 am

    Firstly: I work for an Optus 3rd PARTY Call Centre in AUS. While it is true…there are some undesireables that do work in the centre..give them 3 months and they are gone (only to be replaced by another lot….never ending cycle…) But even though we don’t technically work for Optus doesn’t mean we actually don’t ‘care’ about your problem. The problem is there is only so much we can do before having to transfer the call to a ‘real’ Optus department -I think you will find that the ‘real’ Optus department are the ones who don’t give a shit. A few of the problems mentioned above I will try to outline here:
    Direct Debit
    I see this one all the time. Usually goes like this; Customer filled out D/Debit forms 2 months ago but hasn’t been applied to account yet; Problem: ‘Real’Optus Department hasn’t got off their ass to process it, or if given to an Optus World Store – they don’t give a shit to forward it on as they don’t get paid to do so, only being a franchise and all. What options does the Rep on thhe phone have when you call about this problem: Please do the form again and resubmit it because if I ring the other ‘real’ Optus department to see what is going on they wont care and will tell me to tell the customer the above. As I am not a ‘real’ Optus employee and they don’t give a shit about my ‘little’ problem with their customer.
    I have seen cases where it has taken a month to process a Porting req. Usual problem: Telstra don’t want to play ball with cust’s number, usually explained by a call to Telstra asking where is the hold up in transferring the cust’s #? Usual response from Telstra: We sent that across last month, the problems on your end and then hang up before giving a chance for response…..
    If i had a cust in that boat I wld put a credit on the account only because no matter what you say the cust is going to be pissed off, technically not Optus’ fault but the customer doesnt want to hear the blame game either..
    And as for Patty Chou’s complaint about Optus issuing him a duplicate Telstra #….impossible, a duplicate Optus number would be and so far in 5 years of work I have never seen a duplicate number. Optus can’t even touch a Telstra # to begin with. Im guessing that our friend Patty is the victim of smthng much more sinister…Anyone want to bet the Fish&Chip Shop printed Adds or Bus. Cards with the wrong number????? Usually when a cust asks to check if it is a duplicate number and turns out it isnt they want to know what were are going to do about….Suggestion: I will be happy to change your number, sir. Customer: No I don’t want to do that, all my friends and family have this number. Me: Im sorry sir, the only way to stop you getting these calls is to change number, other than that there is no more we can do. Customer: This is bullshit, blah blah blah blah…
    Kinda hard to solve a problem when the customer doesn’t want it fixed….


  17. vw

    4 September 2005 at 10.39 pm

    Yea, Optus is a shocker!!!
    When my mobile phone was blocked in error by them, they refused to unblock it….and would not compensate in any way.
    Stinks!!! I had only had the phone 3 months, and they blocked the wrong handset!!!


  18. Anonymous Coward

    19 December 2005 at 12.51 pm

    You guys are fuckwits. get a life and go to another carrier if you dont like optus. either stick with them and shut your moth, or leave and let your money do the talking.


  19. lucie

    19 December 2005 at 1.00 pm

    I did. Virgin mobile all the way!


  20. Red Wolf

    20 December 2005 at 9.14 am

    Our anonymous coward doesn’t get the point of the several Optus rants on the site. They serve as a warning for those getting the run-around from Optus and let people know that the problems they’ve encountered aren’t isolated incidents.
    Unfortunately, problems with Optus service (or lack thereof) appear to be endemic and getting worse over time. While there are a few amazing people flying the Optus flag, they seem to be in the minority.
    If you’d bothered reading the site, instead of wandering in via a vague web search and having no idea what’s going on, you’d know that those of us who were with Optus parted company with them long ago due to our bad experiences. Now kindly fuck off and get a clue


  21. Red Wolf

    21 December 2005 at 3.22 pm

    You may need to start looking for another mobile service. Looks like Optus are about to eat Virgin Mobile:

    Optus is finalising the purchase of Richard Branson’s 75 per cent interest in the Virgin Mobile Australia joint venture, with a deal to be announced as early as this week.


  22. Shannyn

    12 January 2006 at 11.42 pm

    telstra rock!!!


  23. jezza

    22 January 2006 at 10.05 am

    good work Red wolf, I’ve had a number of similar experinces with Optus / Optusnet / OptusDSL / OptusBroadband. I cant wait to finish my contract with optus, but I have to, or else pay $500 cancellation fee. Sure it might be easy to have phone/mobile/internet with the one carrier, but it is definately not worth the pain involved in dealing a company such as OPTUS.
    They wont be around long


  24. Blue Phoenix

    4 February 2006 at 4.36 pm

    I think you might have just had an unlucky turn of events. In the past I have never had any problem with Optus. They have also helped me with all my situations and given me advice. Once I purchased polyphonic ringtones from another company and couldn’t retrieve them. Even though this had nothing to do with Optus, I was still given $15 worth of credit for FREE to purchase more ringtones. I have never had to wait more than 3 business days to get a reply either, and I have always found customer service friendly and eager to help me the in the best way they can. I’m sorry that you’ve had such bad luck.


  25. Joe

    11 February 2006 at 12.48 am

    Optus really sucks and i mean it even their mobile phones. Vodafone kicks their ass, at least they give a card with ALL IMPORTANT DETAILS THEY NEED. i.e the PUK number!!! And at least to activate your MMS account with vodafone is so much easier, with Optus everytime u always have tell them this & that. Optus customercare for mobile & internet – it can take ages just to get a employee on the fone, sometimes days because of “tecnical difficulties”. I cant wait until until our contract ends with Optus- Optusnet DSL, im not even going to bother to tell u all coz i’ve warned u.


  26. Fucking Optus

    29 March 2006 at 1.44 pm

    Optus is a fucking company!!! Optus has all fucking staff!!!
    I just called Optus and the receptionist hung up my phone while I was tolding her my problem!!! Fucking Bitch!!!
    Never use it any more! 1300 555 002 NO WAY!!!


  27. Jennifer

    20 April 2006 at 1.29 pm

    i wonder any bodies would like to introduce a place so that i can complaint optus service?
    i have stoped with them and move to vodafone last Oct, but today i got a bill from them ask me to pay them until this Feb… the total cost is 134$ because i did asked invoice since then as i moved to a new place…


  28. Jhonny

    6 May 2006 at 11.45 pm

    I can tell you the Optus company is a Dinosaur company with the oldest technology in the whole world the only company with ADSL system with speed of “28kb” even SouthAmerica has this deal it is the wors I have see it.


  29. Orien

    23 May 2006 at 4.22 pm

    If it’s easy for them, Theyll do it, if its too complicated They try to get out of it. I Know where ur comin From Red-Wolf, If i ever had a spare Nuke and a bored Day, I’d pay Optus HQ a very big visit.


  30. Orien

    23 May 2006 at 4.39 pm

    I would also like to add That i have had friends who went with Optus and without realising they were being sent someone else’s Bill, and were never refunded. Brilliant Company, right hand doesnt know what the Left is doing.


  31. Arty

    1 August 2006 at 2.50 pm

    Unfortunately I have to agree with everyone here and say that the Optus service leaves a lot to be desired.
    I moved my service 3 months ago, and the only way i was able to get a final bill was to pay a collections agency, who, it seems, were the only ones sensible enough to call me on my mobile number to tell me that i needed to pay some money on my account.
    I have spent the last week getting the run around from consultants at Optus. It even got to the point where i had to demand a supervisor call me back. I received a missed call with no voice mail message left (as if i am going to sit there waiting for their call, people gotta work). I had to call back and made it a mission to speak to the team leader who had called me. They gave me a half arsed excuse as to why i had not received my bill and would not even consider that they had made a mistake. Needless to say, i paid the collections agency for the balance which actually eneded up being less than their agency fees.
    I am taking this further. As a result of their incompetance, i have moved my internet and home phone service. I intend to write a letter to their customer relations department outlining everything that they have done to make my life that little bit harder. I have since moved to IInet for my home phone and internet service, and vodafone for my mobile service. I wonder why i didnt use Voda in the first place!!!!
    At the end of the day, this has just made me realise that i will never use Optus for any of my services again. They really do treat consumers like another number and make you feel like you are not a significant part of their service. As a result, they have lost over 3k of services from me, and god knows how many other people. You can tell that their indifference to the end user is starting to have an effect on them, as they are intiiating cost cutting exercises and offering pathetic alternatives to the cap plans and so on. There is a simple solution to their issues, and that is being honest with customers and actively trying to make them feel that much happier.


  32. Arty

    1 August 2006 at 2.52 pm

    For your information
    If you want to send them feedback about how silly their service really is here is the address:
    Optus Customer Relations
    P.O Box 306
    Salsbury South
    SA 5106


  33. Steve

    10 August 2006 at 11.32 pm

    Here is someone who REALLY thinks Optus sucks…unbelievable! http://www.hahaha.com.au/weblog/index.php?thought=1015


  34. james

    15 February 2007 at 7.55 pm

    yeh i agree optus sucks fucking balls i was on the phone for half an hour trying 2 unlock my phone the fucking retard on the phone was telling me to push the joystick when my phone dosnt ven have a joystick i explained this 2 him and he just kept going and then he as explaining something and the phone just dropped out. that has nevere befotre happened in my room with telstra so proves optus has shit reception 2


  35. matt

    26 February 2007 at 7.27 pm

    optus = fucking arseholes
    want a good deal… go on Three. Cheap everything, and theres no such thing as being jipped


  36. boss

    11 June 2008 at 2.24 pm

    what a stuff around iv lost 600 buck werth of work becouse of thir FUCK ups fuck u op


  37. alfredo villetri

    24 June 2008 at 11.41 pm

    fuck.fuck, fuck you optus.
    4 fucken hrs to talk to any fucken dickhead, the fist time .
    3fucken hrs 4 days later 45 min today i want my fucken monie back you fucken arseholes. and you that runs the fucken office .have less of a brin than my dick.
    fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


  38. Ameer

    18 July 2008 at 8.14 pm

    I soooo HATE Optus right now – I am so furious I could hurl the damn phone out of the 33rd floor window I’m next to. I have spent a week, six phone calls, two visits to an Optus store and I still don;t have a working iPhone. To add insult to injury the instore consultant that sold me the last phone broke the sim card sleeve so the phone is useless. They may telstra customer service look like professionals. I actually had a customer service person tell me and I qoute (after I waited 30 minutes to speak to them) “I just take the calls – what do you want ME to do about it?”. It’s like dealing with the worst bits of society all working for one bloody awful organisation.


  39. Don Meredith

    25 August 2010 at 12.40 pm

    I must admit I have no love whatsoever for Optus, stupidly when Onetel folded i allowed Optus to become my carrier.I am not a young man and I do not consider myself stupid although after my dealings with Optus I have reevaluated my thinkings firstly do not listen to Optus if a rep comes to your door release the dog after pushing him down the stairs, or if you have spare time engage him for an hour or two in mindless telco dribble when he asks for you to sign up tell him no thank you then release the dog


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