Photoshop No Longer The Tool Of Choice For Counterfeiters

Photoshop rips heavy cultural symbols out of artists’ phrasebook
Photoshop CS Adds Banknote Image Detection, Blocking?
Photoshop BS

Yep, the latest version of Photoshop, (Photoshop CS), now automatically detects US currency and prevents you from manipulating, copying and pasting it.

Paint Shop Pro 8 has also followed suit.

This handy site contains links and facts about using bank note images for countries around the world. And if I’ve read the US guidelines correctly, you can use illustrations of US currency provided you follow these guidelines.

So why is Adobe restricting law abiding Photoshop users?

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  1. Red Wolf

    12 January 2004 at 3.27 pm

    Poor counterfeiters, being forced to use old versions of Photoshop. All this has done is let millions of people know that they can use Photoshop 7 to print out currency. Idiots


  2. Anonymous Coward

    5 October 2005 at 11.56 pm

    Dont Steal my Fucking name asshole


  3. Red Wolf

    6 October 2005 at 9.04 am

    Our anonymous fuckwit appears to be posting from a school computer in the Ottawa Carleton District of Canada. I’m sure they’d love to know about misuse of school property


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