Early Xmas for Me

I’ll be spending this xmas pretty much by myself (as my girlfriend is visiting her family in Casino), so we had xmas before she left, and I netted some nice stuff:

  • Large metal cocktail shaker in the form of a penguin
  • Cocktail knickbacks (Hawthorn strainer, lemon zester, muddler, ice tongs, and that cool airlock thingy that sits atop a bottle of spirits and lets you pour a shot at a time)
  • Shorts that appear to be brown but apparently fade into a camouflage pattern as the years wear on
  • Lots of books (Nietzsche, James Joyce, and HG Wells mostly, plus a big tome of Norman Spinrad’s bitchy critical writing)
  • And I finally cracked and bought myself a GameCube and a big stack of games: Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, and Sonic Mega Collection (a disc of twelve old sonic games which are just as fresh as the day I first played them)

Have you folks gotten anything yet?

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  1. Red Wolf

    22 December 2003 at 3.14 pm

    Nothing terribly exciting. I can only hope I get something as cool as a penguin cocktail shaker. I’ve been trying to educate my moronic sister in the joys of the Amazon wish list, but I’m sure she’ll just botch it up and get me something crap yet again


  2. lucie

    23 December 2003 at 6.32 pm

    We did the Kris Kringle thing at work and someone got me a Kwik Hair Wrap. It’s this battery operated thingy that wraps your hair in beads and ribbons and what not. I’m guessing I got this gift because of how my hair was for our pirate dress up xmas shindig. I made an attempt to get my hair like Mr Depps from Pirates of the Carribean. It has an amusing sticker on it at least: “Similar to as you’ve seen on TV”. I also splurged and got me the 1st season dvd box set of Ranma 1/2.


  3. Red Wolf

    27 December 2003 at 3.53 pm

    Got a new VCR, a very nice lump of wood chopping board, my Nan’s legendary shortbread, a 1000 piece puzzle in the shape of a wolf, a glass bottle in the shape of a dismembered male torso filled with blue vodka that looks like shampoo and a purple aluminium keyring / bottle opener shaped like a Triceratops


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