Silly Source

I’ve just had a client asking me for some source files from some mini flash quizzes I created some months back. I was silly and didn’t make it clear as to who owns the source files. I thought they just wanted the swf files, the final output for the web site, not the source files so they can just take my work and do whatever the hell they want with it, such as bastardise my stuff. The client doesn’t really know what a source file is or does. This took a bit of time explaining, but I think I got there.

This client asked for these about 4 months ago, and told me they only wanted them so they could change background colour. I said that will only take me an hour anyway. Client was fine with that and said they’d get back to me with the new colour and never did.

Any how, the client and I are not tearing strips off each other which is nice, and it should be all resolved in a couple of hours when they meet with the new company they are now taking their business over to. If they can recreate what I did for cheaper, then fine. If they want to use my source files, they pay.

I particularly found this article, When you’re asked for artwork files, quite useful in helping me sort my head out so that I could call back the client in a calm and coherent manner.

Yes, before I do any more freelance work I shall be looking at addressing this in the beginning like I should’ve.


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One Comment

  1. Red Wolf

    28 November 2003 at 5.03 pm

    Very enlightening. Especially liked the bit about sending written confirmation of copyright that even though the client has the files they may not use them to churn out cookie cutter sites without your express permission


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