Wiggly Images, Japanese Punks and Radiohead Experiments

Found an addictive little interactive Java toy via HogBlog. Tease the plague of flea, you know you want to…

Interesting, and very wiggly, fake stereoscopic photos using animated GIFs to rapidly switch between left and right images.

Jon Bower has some great portraits of Japanese non-conformists at Meiji Jingu subway.

Hilarious story about an experiment in which a San Francisco Bay Area 5th grade class listens to Radiohead, then draws what they hear. Some of the resulting images look like they could pass for actual Radiohead album covers.

And who can resist the lads of Thailand who get down with their funky selves by sticking unusual objects through their cheeks.

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  1. Jon Bower

    17 September 2004 at 1.21 am

    Hi, and thanks for your nice comments about my Japanese punk pix. More on these at http://www.alamy.com/search-results.asp?qt=+jon+bower&lic=7&ipn=1&apn=1&cpn=1&st=6&cid={98694637-B1BD-4CC6-842A-07E596A40CE8- or follow links from the target page on my website. There is also an article written around these images at http://www.ukphotographics.co.uk, but regretfully you need a subscription to get in. Happy to provide more info on request.
    Jon Bower

  2. J.R.

    19 October 2004 at 11.39 pm

    cool stuff man!

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