Emily The Strange

The Emily The Strange website is ghoulishly cool, with an incredible amount of merchandise. You don’t understand, there’s like a gazillion shirts, skirts, dresses, books, bags and patch work dolls, wrist bands, stickers, key chains etc, etc. All adorably, black, red and catty, and I want them ALL.

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  1. Red Wolf

    21 October 2003 at 5.42 pm

    That is so you. How can you resist the Kitty Hooded Sweatshirt?

  2. maria gourley

    15 May 2004 at 7.30 pm

    Where can i get a hold of emily the strange LIVE STRANGE GET LOST-i AM PREPARED TO PAY POSTAGE

  3. Roxanne

    20 August 2004 at 7.54 pm


  4. ann

    31 August 2004 at 7.39 pm

    Is there anywhere in Australia that sells Emily the Strange?

  5. chrissy

    15 October 2004 at 9.23 pm

    manz gO sydney city look around “market city” in china tOwn… u can find SUM emily strange merchandise!!……

  6. mek

    16 October 2004 at 4.31 pm

    where in australia can i buy the Emily the Strange ‘watch your back’ back pack? Is there an australian website where i can purchase it?

  7. emily freak

    3 November 2004 at 9.35 pm

    There is heaps of emily stuff at general pants co now, or try http://www.emilystrange.com for newer stuff if u r prepared to get it shipped from usa.

  8. kylie

    21 November 2004 at 12.05 am

    here are all the shops in australia and new zealand
    IT’S EXTREME – Gold Coast, Cairns
    GENERAL PANTS CO. – Eastern States
    TARMAC 1 – Brisbane
    TRED – Brisbane
    PLAYTIME – Townsville
    BLUE DOG – Port Douglas
    INCU – Sydney
    STUSSY – Melbourne
    PSC SKATE – Melbourne
    227 – Cowes, Phillip Island
    ULTRALUX – Hobart City
    BLAZAE – Adelaide
    IRVING BABY – Adelaide City
    BEACH BUMS – Darwin
    THE PULSE – Perth City
    AMAZON – All areas of New Zealand

  9. Mel

    25 November 2004 at 6.45 am

    Emily strange discount outlet is at the ‘Hit and Run” store in Harbourtown Gold coast, and the up to date stuff you can get at Hit and Run in Brisbane. They have a huge range and have just got all the journals in.

  10. Violetta the Strange

    3 December 2004 at 8.00 pm

    You can get Emily the strange at Fetish 4 Life and Seraha Adventure Wear they are both in cairns, Jacks Surf in Port Macquaire, Coopers in Coffs Harbour, In the Valley in Brisbane there is a store that sells super cheap emily, also beware of fake emily going around at paddys market in sydney as its only just a little bit cheaper and not made as well and some products have mistakes so make sure all your emily has the trade mark sign or it says emily strange.com, and check for the black cat eye tag wich has emily on the back this is on t shirts and back packs, i hope i was of some help if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at skyvioletco@hotmail.com
    P.S You can also get Emily on ebay
    P.P.S There are new emily the strange toys comming out in january febuary 2005 bought out by toynami they are fantastic check it out at

  11. kied

    15 December 2004 at 12.22 pm

    ey kylie hi there! just wanna ask the exact location of INCU. cz my brother’s there in sydney for some sorta work/vacation he needs specifi info bout the location of INCU. thanks

  12. Red Wolf

    15 December 2004 at 12.42 pm

    It takes no effort at all to look things up via the White Pages, but for the technically challenged, Incu: Shop 24rg/ 500 George Street Sydney [map]

  13. mon

    1 March 2005 at 4.52 pm

    oi do u no eny shop apart from haber town on da gold cost that has emily the srange stuff ?

  14. Kc

    13 April 2005 at 11.35 pm

    Hey does anyone know where I can get ‘Emily the strange’ gear in western australia?

  15. aussie_lady03

    14 April 2005 at 1.02 am

    [It’s on topic, but this is still bordering on spam. If you’re interested in buying from this commenter, e-mail her directly]
    Hi there,
    If any one wants pretty good deals on “emily the strange” gear, come to my ebay store, are going to get in a lot more stuff have one item listed right now “emily the strange so/sew what tee, wristband and 5 stickers all bundled 39.99
    but will be getting more stuff in ..have a US seller that will ship to me and will be cheaper than buying here…so keep it bookmarked somewhere soon to have good prices guys!
    If you buy a few items will do best on postage too!

  16. aussie_lady03

    15 April 2005 at 2.41 pm

    Ok above comment is bordering on spam, well i just want to let people know that can get good deals on emily the strange, i have a daughter into it and i know the prices parents pay, i see so many questions asking “where can i get this and who knows where i can get this?” ..so i apologise if its spam but i just wanted to give those emily fans a link to go to.
    my url seems to be cut out, thats ok, i thought it was just a forum to post stuff…..guess i was wrong….like the top one says ..email me guys, if you like that is if my email
    aussie_lady03@yahoo.com.au isnt cut out too.

  17. Jana

    4 May 2005 at 7.22 pm

    HeY PeOplE Oh mY goD DoeS eVerYonE Love EmilY thE StraNgE as MuCh As i Do. She Da BesT AnYwAy DoeS AnyoNe knOw WherE To gEt EmiLy Gear FroM The CitY iN SydnEy And Can YoU plZ GivE the AddReSs! ThAnX EvEryBoDy! MWa!

  18. amy

    12 June 2005 at 5.54 pm

    hey im am in love with emily and i cant seem to find that much of her gear i live in australia, hervey bay

  19. Vampyress

    20 June 2005 at 5.13 pm

    Emily the strange stuff is getting really hard to find in aus because the Us isn’t sending as many shipments as it was a yera or so ago because emily strange apparently isn’t doing so well over here but if you go to paddys market in sydney they should have quite a few things there!!!!!!!

  20. Cassie

    8 August 2005 at 11.31 pm

    I am looking for an emily hoody (not the cat hoody). i found a ‘get lost’ one but im to fat for it. so other then blindside where can i get emily hoodies? help pls

  21. larissa

    18 September 2005 at 9.51 am


  22. Carley

    25 September 2005 at 2.13 pm

    I’m not all punk or golth but a like punk stuff it is awesome dude.i do have lots of black shirts and hoodies.i have lots of emily stuff it’s crazy but i luv it so back of

  23. Jade

    1 October 2005 at 5.01 pm

    I have been searching everywhere for an emily strange outlet in MELBOURNE…it doesnt look like theres anything:( if anyone knows of an OUTLET that sells EMILY STRANGE pleeeeese tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. tahlz

    16 October 2005 at 1.15 am

    hey what about perth?? where can i get emily the strange in perth?

  25. Vynka

    27 October 2005 at 1.51 am

    In Perth you can get Emily from City Surf shop in Garden city S/Centre, Pulse on Hay street perth (they also have another store on Murray street diff name tho) & there is another little store in the litle mall next to HOYTS in the City ( the hoyts next to McDonalds) There is a store in freo too but I can’t remembe rthe name.
    Hope this helps

  26. Vynka

    29 October 2005 at 11.26 pm

    Hey tahlz, I found another store in perth that sells Emily gear. The store near hoyts is called Industry & there is a little shop directly across the road from Harbour town called East Direct that has the biggest range anywhere in perth

  27. nakira

    3 November 2005 at 12.49 am

    is INCU the only place in sydney that sells emily merchandise (apart from paddy’s markets)? this is a very big shame.

  28. Red Wolf

    3 November 2005 at 3.10 pm

    Bliss Surf Shop at Wattle Grove carries Emily the Strange gear.
    There are plenty of places, but most are smaller boutique, as opposed to chain, stores. They rarely have a web presence and probably don’t advertise outside their local areas.
    Try checking out surf clothing stores in your area.
    Alternatively, you could call a retailer that does carry the product, find out the distributor and call them to find your nearest local stockist

  29. elise

    30 November 2005 at 2.13 pm

    i really dont like emily strange i dont see whats so good about her she is really not that great

  30. Amalia

    1 December 2005 at 11.52 am

    Hey strangers
    I manage a band called Alpha State and the vocalist is sponsored by Emily the Strange.
    The band’s website has a list of all most retailers in Victoria but we can get a wider list if you are interested…..let me know!
    Also get onto the band mailout list as the band do Emily the Strange giveaways and events and I know there is one planned in Jan.
    Thx! Amalia

  31. Ginga megs

    7 December 2005 at 9.45 pm

    Does anyone know a good place in melbourne where you can bye emily the strange clothes???…ive been lookin high and low 4 a shop that actualy sells her stuff, so if you could help it would mean alot 🙂

  32. kaila

    9 December 2005 at 11.51 am

    i absolutely LOVE emily the strange…shes awsum!

  33. beau

    16 December 2005 at 12.26 pm

    well peoples my girlfreind (who happens to be named emily) loves emily the strange gear and i buy it for her sometimes in WA in fremantle at pheonix chopping centre theres this store called surfs up surfwear i think and they stock emily stuff

  34. nitzerette

    27 December 2005 at 9.18 am

    I am looking for an Emily the Strange Christmas stocking for a friend. Can anyone help? Saw it in a store window while I was on holidays, but they were already closed for the day.

  35. Angela

    29 December 2005 at 6.21 pm

    I just won an emily the strange prize pack and i’m not really into it, i got a handbag, a satchel bag, and two singlets size L. If anyone is interested email me and I will sell them to u for a good price. ang911@hotmail.com

  36. Kirsty Doran

    31 December 2005 at 1.08 am

    I have bought a watch and a clock with this product branding and they have never worked. Does any-one else have this problem?

  37. canikat

    8 January 2006 at 9.37 pm

    my friends think that there is an “Emily The Strange” shop in Brisbane. All its got is Emily The Strange!!! Is this true? or just lies? If its real, can someone PLEASE post up da info on this website?!? Where i live, we don’t hav ne Emily The Strange stuff. plz, i u kno bout dis shop, POST IT UP!!! S2canikat

  38. boy-of-ethics

    13 January 2006 at 9.33 pm

    you can get emily stuff everywhere. general pants of all places even has it. emily sucks though, her old comics a few years ago were cool but now every second 15 year old is wearing something ETS.

  39. Candy

    14 January 2006 at 12.55 am

    I rele like Emily the Strange but i cant seem to find any shops that sell it. I live in victoria. Plz if anyone has a list of all the shops that it is sold in in Victoria could they email me at: hol0003@cdsc.vic.edu.au

  40. Jayde

    16 January 2006 at 1.32 pm

    You can buy Emily from Orange Story at Arndale shopping centre (Westfield) in Adelaide.
    The also sell Nightmare before christmas.
    They are a bit pricy but they are the only shop I know that sells it in Adelaide.
    Email me if you need details.

  41. martina

    17 January 2006 at 12.59 pm

    Does any1 know where i can buy emily the strange? i live in sydney, camden and i looked all ova the net and i have the stockist number but it is a queensland number. can anyone help plz coz i need to buy emilys “board to death skate shoes” as my skool shoes. email me at OneSmartChick@hotmail.com THANX

  42. Anna

    18 January 2006 at 3.45 pm

    u can find emily the strange stuff at hot topic i found the sweetest emily the strange shose there

  43. sho

    21 January 2006 at 2.45 pm

    is there an Emily the strange store in toronto plzz tell me i have looked like everywhere my freinds know where but they won’t tell me their like u got to learn how to be indapendint like holy shit ur not punk so shut the fuk up any way plzz tell me i need to noe i need to by like all of ther stuff fo that i will have stuff to where in the summer plzz tell me luv u guyz so fukin much bie bie

  44. Maddy

    22 January 2006 at 8.41 pm

    Hey guys,
    I just found out about emily clothing this yr when i was looking at a shop called Jay Que Skating in Warrnambool victoria but it is really far away from where i live and i jst wanna no where else i can get emily the strange clothing from in melbourne. Plz email me desperate!!!!!!!!

  45. banger

    23 January 2006 at 6.59 pm

    where can u get emily the strange stuff in hobart?? i really want sum coz its awsum but i hav no idea where 2 get it from!!!

  46. banger

    23 January 2006 at 7.04 pm

    if any1 knows where u can get emily the strange stuff in hobart email me xdevilin2heavenx@hotmail.com thanx

  47. M

    24 January 2006 at 11.07 am

    It’s summertime and Emily the Strange is in the mood to party – if only it wasn’t for this fu#$ng heat! So to avoid the evils of the sun, the Emily Strange Posse has set up a party after dark with her favourite metal band, Alpha State, at Switch on January 28.
    Alpha State spent the last half of 2005 damaging the hearing of ever-increasing crowds all over Melbourne with their Mesa/Boogie powered, female-fronted metal assault and battery. This show will be their first for 2006 and they’ll be itching to bang some heads.
    Supporting them will be cocky young upstarts The Eleventhour and the loud and snotty boys from Halitosis.
    Since all this noise puts Emily in what passes for a good mood, she’ll be giving away loads of free stuff throughout the night.
    Switch happens at Caseys Nightclub, 660A Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn. Doors at 10pm, $10 entry.

  48. emily

    26 January 2006 at 10.05 am

    can anyone tell me if there is a store in adelade Habour town with discounted Emily STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  49. Nance

    4 February 2006 at 11.50 am


  50. stefanie

    8 February 2006 at 11.57 am

    emily strange is way awesome i love everithing red black or goolish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. tabitha death

    8 February 2006 at 4.42 pm

    Emily Strange……………i wonder who invented her? whoever did must have a truely disturbed way of thinnking which is why i like her she is truely the most awesome cartoon ever !!!!!!!anyways just like everyone else i’m just here to say how much i linger on all of the emily merch it is truely sitanic!!!!!!!!!! rock on

  52. tammi dale

    10 February 2006 at 4.10 pm

    Emily the strange stuff if realy popular in sydney australiaand i was wonderin if there is an emily strangering i could buy??????????

  53. Jud!

    10 February 2006 at 11.03 pm

    Do you know where i can buy some Emily’s stuff!?!?

  54. Jud!

    10 February 2006 at 11.08 pm

    Do you know where i can buy Emily’s stuff IN EUROPE!?!??!

  55. cara m.

    13 February 2006 at 5.33 pm

    hey guys, just found this shop in Sydney with lots of emily stuff, shoes are so cool… and there’s an online catalogue at http://www.cattsi.com

  56. nicola

    16 February 2006 at 5.46 pm

    yoooooooo wheres the nightmare b4 xmas shops in perth???????????????????????? i ahte rory

  57. grace

    4 March 2006 at 5.36 pm

    hi have a daughter who is looking 4 ets wants the high top sneakers and the boots anyone know where i can buy them in m,elbourne

  58. lucy

    21 March 2006 at 9.29 pm

    Hey all – does anyone know where to buy Emily the Strange gear in Canberra? Thanks heaps for all info!

  59. ME!!

    31 March 2006 at 5.23 am

    Emilly the strange is V.V.V. wicked!

  60. Hayley

    10 April 2006 at 6.03 pm

    can anyone tell me where to find emily the strange merchandise (especially bags) in Sydney? thanks. 🙂

  61. dragoon

    22 April 2006 at 11.08 pm

    after emily strange dog tag necklace any one help

  62. sheree

    13 May 2006 at 7.11 pm

    where can i get emily strange stuff in victoria ive been looking for her stuff for 2 years

  63. Emily

    23 May 2006 at 2.30 pm

    There should be a emily show

  64. lena

    15 June 2006 at 9.27 pm

    is there a shop in europe where i can get some stuff of emily???

  65. Yksi

    18 June 2006 at 12.12 am

    Is there any EMILY STRANGE shop in Prague??? Does anyone know???

  66. Yksi

    18 June 2006 at 12.17 am

    Does anyone know where I can buy EMILI STRANGE stuff in Prague,Czech republic????

  67. Emily_the_strange_freak

    20 June 2006 at 7.03 pm


  68. Jade

    20 June 2006 at 7.43 pm

    I am after emily the strange stomper boots. Is there any where in Melbourne that stocks them?

  69. goth punk

    30 June 2006 at 4.18 pm

    hay i know 2 shops that sell emily the strange stuff coz i go thair all the time.
    1:hit and run at harber town goldcoast
    2: rush clothing qween streat mall and the myers center brisbane.
    hope this helps E.S.P 4 evva

  70. Shene

    6 July 2006 at 3.32 pm

    Hey every1 i was just wanting to know where some good emily the strange shops are in brisbane… i have been looking for emily stuff for ages abut i aint never been able to find stuff… thanx!!

  71. Lea

    17 July 2006 at 3.32 pm

    Hi Everyone,
    I am located in Adelaide and have plenty of EMILY THE STRANGE products if anyone is interested 🙂 I can also post to anywhere in Australia. Contact me at chillibaby@gmail.com for more info.

  72. Natalie

    27 July 2006 at 10.49 pm

    I am dying to find a particular dress in size 10 of emily the strange!!!! Please help does any1 know where Emily bad strapless red & black plaid mini dress is retailed? It has a pleated bottom and buttons up 1 side of the front with a low slung attached belt. I’m not sure but i think it just went out with the last season of stock so i’m havin a hard time finding it anywhere.

  73. Bia

    1 August 2006 at 1.52 am

    Hey guys! Can you please tell me where can I find Emily the Strange clothes around San Francisco? Thanks 🙂

  74. Vandal Figures

    25 August 2006 at 4.56 pm

    you can pick up all your emily gear at our store
    Vandal Figures
    Shop 10 Midway Arcade
    145 Maroondah Hwy
    Ringwood Vic 3134
    or check out our website for a small peek at what we’ve got!

  75. Hit N Run Online

    28 August 2006 at 8.13 pm

    Hi there. You can now purchase the entire Emily The Strange product line from our ebay store Hit N Run online. We run weekly auctions and also have a large selection of product available from our eBay store for immediate purchase. We have two stores, addresses below, that also carry the entire Emily product line. We have heaps of bargains both instore and on ebay so if you’re an Emily fan make sure you check us out.
    Shop A27 & A28
    Harbourtown Shopping Centre
    Biggera Waters QLD 4216
    PH : 07 5500 5734
    Fortitude Valley
    356 Brunswick St
    Fortitude Valley
    QLD 4006
    PH : 07 3257 7166

  76. Annalise taylor (ritually disemvowelled troll)

    30 August 2006 at 3.33 pm

    y r s dm cl rck pls snd m fr t- shrt pls t [address deleted]

  77. kristal wuyatte (ritually disemvowelled troll)

    30 August 2006 at 3.34 pm

    y r s dm cl rck? pls snd m 2 fr t shrt t [address deleted]

  78. Red Wolf

    30 August 2006 at 7.45 pm

    Annalise-Kristal (as you’re posting from the same computer): It’s a really dumb idea to leave your addresses on a publicly accessible web site. They have been deleted.
    But then, as you’re both stupid enough to think you could scam product by leaving your misspelled drivel on an overly long comment thread, I suspect you’re not terribly bright. As such, your stupid trollish comments have been ritually disemvowelled

  79. TANNIA

    8 September 2006 at 5.56 am

    hola!! me gustaria saber en donde hay una tienda de Emily en los Angele L:A:

  80. emily

    16 September 2006 at 11.18 pm

    u r wicked you are a big infulance in my life

  81. Chaotic Kittie

    26 October 2006 at 9.25 am

    Can anyone maybe know where can I find Emily Strange shop in Prague??? Tnx ahead!

  82. Vee

    24 May 2007 at 10.00 pm

    For those in Sydney, Check out ROGUES, level 1 at Market City, they stock some Emily the strange stuff. This is the only store i’ve found which sells ets so far.

  83. Mike

    24 August 2007 at 7.06 am

    anyone know where to find emily the strange seat covers for a car??

  84. Staza

    14 September 2007 at 9.38 am

    here ya go, stockists in Aussie, anyone know any in NZ?

  85. Kate

    12 November 2007 at 8.51 am

    Does anyone know? is there any shop that sell Emily Strange stuff in Hobart? Where is it? I really like Emily strange and i really want to buy some. Tell me pls. Thanks.

  86. Red Wolf

    12 November 2007 at 7.13 pm

    Kate: Did you even bother reading the comments? I’m guessing not.
    Kylie previously mentioned that Ultralux is the place to see in Hobart, and Staza provided a link to Australian stockists in the comment before yours

  87. holz

    8 December 2007 at 10.18 pm

    one word. EBAY! lots of emily stuff..!! =D

  88. Emily

    9 January 2008 at 7.05 am

    Does anyone know where I can buy emily the strange stuff, I live in Canada and I don’t want to buy off line.??

  89. Red Wolf

    10 March 2008 at 5.00 pm

    Comments closed

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