Flash Games: Care Bears

Remember the fad for Care Bears? Adorable little teddy bears that came in a multitude of colours, a clever marketing gimmick that manipulated children into bullying their parents into buying them the whole set.

Here’s a chance to go back to your childhood and kill the little bastards: Liquid Generations’ Evil Care Bears.

After you’ve finished happily slaughtering Care Bears with guns, you can have a shot at the quiz: Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?

I seem to be Gay Bear — comfortable with myself, although the regular Care Bears think I’m a deviant. And I have a crush on Grumpy.

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  1. lucie

    15 September 2003 at 12.40 pm

    I’m Nihilist Bear apparently.


  2. sbszine

    15 September 2003 at 7.38 pm

    I am also Nihilist Bear, even though I like shiny things and beer. It must be the Nietzche : )


  3. Red Wolf

    16 September 2003 at 10.04 am

    I picked Sex Pistols and The Anarchist’s Cookbook and still got Gay Bear, must have been not liking that xian coalition bear that did it. If I don’t like care bears in general I’m Hooligan Bear. Seems I’m a gay hellraiser


  4. kari in Indiana

    18 October 2003 at 1.32 am

    A retarded bimbo with access to an account at the Indiana Department of Education, had a case of keyboard diarrhoea and dribbled; ‘i feel depressed’


  5. Brittney

    31 March 2004 at 9.57 am

    I’m raver Bear. I love bright, shiny objects. Oh yeah Ring Pops Too!


  6. Aubb

    23 December 2004 at 9.36 am

    I am Raver Bear… and it is completley like me.. i LOVE to PARTY!!!


  7. katie

    4 February 2005 at 12.04 pm

    stoner bear is me cuz i like to get stoned its a great feelin..lol redneck bear too WHO NEEDS SKOOL WHEN U GOTTA SHOTGUN….HELL YEAH


  8. rebecca

    3 June 2005 at 4.58 pm

    i’ve taken it a couple of times..and it’s given me the results of stoner bear and raver bear..both seem to describe me pretty well


  9. Charity

    5 October 2005 at 12.47 am

    I took the quiz and I got what I was looking for I WAS STONERBEAR and that is pretty much what I wanted!~
    But maybe you could have more questions with a bit more pacific answers!!Thanx 4 everything!!!GoTtA BoUnCe PeAcE oUt!!


  10. kait

    20 April 2006 at 8.07 am

    I am trampy bear 🙂


  11. niki

    27 April 2006 at 5.37 am

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am all of the bears!! so poo on all of you


  12. dj

    24 May 2006 at 12.34 pm

    i am kill the care bear


  13. kimmie

    18 June 2006 at 12.12 pm

    well…………im the bigest care bear fan ever so all of yall suck


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