Why Do Cats Go Up When They Can’t Come Down?

This morning I was awoken by meows of distress coming through the uncovered air conditioning vent in my ceiling. Jasper my kitten had managed to get up into the roof via ladder conveniently placed just below an uncovered manhole. Why do you have so many holes in your ceiling you ask. Well my dad is installing the air conditioning himself at his own pace. He started a couple of years after we moved into the house, he’s taken about three years now and it’s not finished yet. Yes you guessed it, my dad makes a living out of this.

Any how cat in ceiling. Up ladder I went, we have 9 or 10 foot ceilings and I don’t fare well with heights, so that was fun in itself. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to coax him down with food, toys and the promise of a belly rub I got pissed off and left him up there. My brother had a shower and Jasper started getting quite distressed from the steam, and started meowing at the edge of the manhole. Up the ladder I went again and managed to get a hold of the squirmy, dusty little shit. Needless to say there was much clawing at my head and ladder. He momentarily stopped and clamped himself to my head so I could get him and myself down ladder safely.

This episode will be a testament to cats inability to think Hmmm, I can climb up there, but can I get down?

On the plus side, this is the earliest I’ve been to work in months.

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One Comment

  1. Red Wolf

    27 August 2003 at 10.52 am

    Fortunately the Malamute doesn’t jump — she does on people, but not on tall objects. The Husky, on the other hand, has Springbok in his genes somewhere.

    I’ve seen him bounce from all four feet onto the lounge. Then there’s his furniture hurdling routine, which is funny unless you’re on the furniture hurdle at the time.

    His access to the barbeque has been blocked to stop him jumping on it to stare at the dogs over the back fence before falling into the fenced off garden. Retrieving a Husky over a 1.2m dog fence with a Malamute offering helpful assistance is always fun, but at least he wanted to be rescued


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