Australia, the world’s largest coal exporter, reaffirmed its opposition to ratifying the Kyoto treaty on combating climate change, saying it was not in the national interest. As usual our dodgy and corrupt PM is happy to oblige whoever offers him the biggest bribes, namely the coal industry in this instance, and the ignores the future of the rest of us who have to live with the consequences of his personal greed
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18 December 2003 at 2.41 am
Far better to oust coal with cleaner technologies economically if possible, than the struggle of political action alone. What would the coal be replaced with economically if it were not being exported? Answer that question satisfactorily, and get that answer into greedy hands, and you can use the people making money off coal to make money off something better. Or at least put a dent in the coal exports. What kind of wind resources are available Down Under? What about equipment manufacturers? Is there any hope in supporting them? Hydropower? Biodiesel? Other biomass products? Solar equipment?